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Channel Meeting Details

Video/Teleconference Details

These notes are read by people who weren't able to attend the meeting. Please make sure to include links and context so they can be understood.


pascalc, dsmith, csasca, oardelean, dmeehan, RyanVM, ljanos, epopescu, atrif, apetridean, mlobontiuroman, Aryx, dpop, tzsoldos, avaida, mchiorean,ailea, phorea, btot, obotisan, mboldan, 

Schedule Update

  • 106
    • No dot release planned before 107 go-live
  • 107
    • Leaning towards an 107.0 RC2 build
      • Fix for a top crash
    • Fenix 107.1.0 build 2 planned for today
    • iOS Focus 107.0 build is currently blocked, waiting on an uplit to fix the build failure
    • Reminder: 107.0 go-live on 2022-11-15
  • 108
    • Soft Code Freeze today
    • Merge Day 2022-11-14
    • tracking a few tickets/crashes before merge day

Release quality metrics (Tuesdays)

Desktop Stability


mc2 crash incidence (% of users experiencing a crash): 1.53% (-0.03pp compared to previous week) == back to normal level, crash rate (crashes/active hour for crashing profiles): 1.87 (+0.08)


mc2 crash incidence: 1.56% (+0.20pp), crash rate: 1.79 (+0.40) - back to normal level


mc2 crash incidence: 0.76% (+0.08pp), crash rate: 1.68 (-0.02)

Mobile Stability





  • RC 102.5.0esr build 1 - signed off successfully with GREEN status
  • Off train features:
    • QA-1641: CRLite testing - in progress, no new issues found so far


  • Nightly 108 Accesibility testing signed off with GREEN status (two new bugs found: 1799460 and 1799491, the latter one S2, but already fixed and verified)
  • Nightly 108 pre-merge regression testing is in progress, no new issues found so far

Aurora / Dev Edition


  • RC 107 build 1 - signed off successfully with GREEN status


  • [Mira]
  • Fenix:
    • Beta 107.0b6 - sign-off with status GREEN
    • RC 107.1.0 - sign-off with status GREEN
  • Focus:
    • Beta 107.0b6 - sign-off with status GREEN
    • RC 107.1.0 - sign-off with status GREEN

Action items

Feature Status Review

SUMO Report

Roundtable & Special Topics

  • Tomorrow is a public holiday for several regions

Retrospective (Tues 2wks from GA Release)