
< Reps‎ | SOPs
Revision as of 11:13, 17 February 2015 by Nukeador (talk | contribs) (Set alumni)


As with everything in life, sometimes, it's just time to throw in the towel and move on or take a leave of absence. Here's a SOP that describes how to leave the Mozilla Reps program or deal with prolonged inactivity. Please choose the case that describes best your situation.


I would like to leave the Mozilla Reps program and want to do that by following Mozilla's best practices.


Case 1 : I am leaving temporarily

A Mozilla Rep can take a break and go on a hiatus from the program for a while by leaving a message on his/her ReMo profile page. Simply inform visitors to your profile page that you are busy/unavailable for and make sure to specify for how long you think you'll be unavailable for.

Case 2 : I am leaving permanently

If a Mozilla Rep decides to leave and does NOT expect to return any time soon, here's the procedure to follow:

  1. Mail his mentor.
  2. Mentor will inform Council.
  3. Council will apply all necessary changes.

Case 3 : I am leaving reluctantly

In some cases, a Mozilla Rep will want to leave due to a conflict or problem of some sorts related to another Mozilla Rep or an activity related to the Mozilla Reps program.

Before signing off and leaving Mozilla Reps, you're strongly encouraged to speak to your mentor to make sure you've explored all options to resolve the conflict.

If you feel you still aren't getting the support you need, please let the ReMo council know what is missing and what should be improved so as to avoid a similar situation in the future.

Reps Admin Actions

Once a leaving request has been processed by Council, Reps admins will make sure to:

  • Set Alumni role on Rep portal profile.
  • Revoke bugzilla permissions (mozilla-reps and mozilla-reps-admin if applicable)
  • Unsubscribe from reps-general and reps-mentors (if applicable).
  • Remove from Facebook group.
  • Remove the Reps agreement from storage folder.
  • Inform the person in charge of Mozillians NDA group curation (currently payam.keshtbod at to remove him providing full name.
  • Inform the Council the previous steps were completed and ask them to communicate this action with the person affected.