
< Apps‎ | StatusMeetings
Revision as of 17:35, 12 September 2012 by MykMelez (talk | contribs)

The Apps Engineering weekly status meeting coordinates engineering efforts across the various projects in the Apps initiative, including WebRT, WebAPI, Dashboard, and Apps In The Cloud (with the exception of Mozilla Marketplace, which has a separate status meeting).

Attend the meeting to update engineering and product managers on the status of your work and trade status updates with engineers on interdependent projects.

  • When: Wednesdays, 9:05 - 9:55 AM PT (16:00 - 16:45 UTC)
  • Where: Mozilla Apps Vidyo room
    • Mountain View: ???
    • San Francisco: SFO 324 - Bay Bridge
  • Backchannel: #openwebapps
  • Audio-only Access:
    • +1-650-903-0800 or +1-650-215-1282, x92, conf#: 98652 (US/INTL)
    • +1-800-707-2533, pin: 369, conf#: 98652 (US toll free)
