Reps/SOPs/Ordering Swag

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Warning signWarning: With effect from 1st September 2023, the Mozilla Reps program was closed and activities ended.

Swag is central to promoting Mozilla and raising brand awareness. It also makes people happy, especially funky original swag. As a Mozilla Rep, you can request swag from a specific stock reserved for the Mozilla Rep program using a the swag ordering form.

This SOP will guide you through the process.

Step 1: create your event on the Community Portal

The swag you want to order must be associated with a specific activity or event. Before you order swag, please create a page for your event on the Community Portal ( You can find out how to create an event page in the Event hosting SOP (and some commonly asked questions were addressed in a discussion on reps-general in August 2012).

Step 2: evaluate which swag you need for your event

There are many different types of swag items you can order. Please think carefully about the items that are most relevant for your event. Maybe your event is a small event so distributing stickers might be enough. Maybe you're going to have a booth at your event and hundreds of people will come and visit your booth, in which case it might make sense to order a booth table clot and a roll-up banner.

You can view the available items here and booth accessories here.

Swag is awesome but it's expensive for Mozilla to produce. It's even more expensive for Mozilla to ship. The reviewer of your swag request will evaluate how much requested swag he can ship you based on how much detail you provide in your Reps Portal event page but also based on the existing swag stock in our swag warehouse.

Step 3: order swag

Please get in touch with a Resource Rep to do so. They will follow the following steps to request swag on your behalf:

Open the swag order form on bugzilla.
Important Remark: In the field "Event Page" please add the link to the Community Portal event page you created in Step 1.

This will create a bug and it will be assigned to a reviewer who will then process the order so that the swag can be shipped.

The tracking number will be automatically added in a comment of the bug so you can track the progress of your swag order.


Step 4: confirm you have received the swag

Once the swag have been delivered, update the bug and leave a comment to say you've received it that way the reviewer can close the bug.

Step 5: Save some swag for your next event

It's always a good idea to avoid using up all your swag for your event and keep a little stock for your next event. Also, if you plan to participate in a series of different events in a short time span, make sure to specify that in your swag bug so the reviewer is notified and will adjust the quantities accordingly, thereby saving on shipment costs.

SPECIAL: ordering your Mozilla Reps Welcome Pack

Once you have been accepted into the Mozilla Reps program and you have completed the Orientation Period, you can request your official Mozilla Reps Welcome Pack.

Please get in touch with a Resource Rep to do so.

To request a Welcome Pack, the Resource Rep will follow these steps:

  1. Go to swag request form (this form is only accessible to a Resource Rep)
  2. For the field called "Event Name", please enter the link to your Mozilla Reps profile page
  3. For the field called "Other (please specify)", type in "Mozilla Reps Welcome Pack" and specify your tshirt size
    Important Remark: make sure NOT to order other types of swag
  4. Submit the form

Once the form is submitted, a bug will be automatically filed and your request will be processed pending your mentor's approval. Make sure your mentor leaves a comment on your bug to say that he or she approves your request.

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