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The Mobile-ID service provides a global mobile number validation system that can be used to authenticate a user's device. It interacts with SMS gateways to send and receive SMS messages.

More Info:



  • Dev Team
    • Tarek Ziadé <>
    • Alexis Metaireau <>
    • Rémy Hubscher <>
  • Ops
    • Dean Wilson <>
    • Bob Micheletto <>
  • QA
    • Richard Pappalardo <>
    • Karl Thiessen <


Deployment Environments


There are 4 deployed environments.

Environment URL Endpoint Used Usage
DEV Nexmo Development and integration
STAGE Nexmo End-2-End (client-side) testing
STAGE-LOADTEST Omxen Load (server-side) testing
PRODUCTION Nexmo Production apps





  • This environment is updated with the master branch by devs on a regular basis - or upon request.
  • you can get the version by displaying the root URL of the server.
  • This environment provides a Mobile number validation for the countries listed below

Client Country Provider MCC Server Number
USA Nexmo 302 - 310 - 311 - 312 - 313 - 314 - 315 - 316 - 332 - 544 XXXX
France Nexmo 208 - 308 - 340 - 543 - 546 - 547 - 647 - 742 XXXX
Spain Nexmo 214 XXXX
Others Nexmo XXX




  • Host:
  • Maintainer: Ops Team
  • SMS Gateway: NEXMO (feal endpoint)
  • Usage: End-2-End Test (client-side testing against a real endpoint: Nexmo)


  • This environment is used for end-to-end testing of the service once it hits the stable channel.
  • This server is a perfect mirror of the production environment, updated with the tag of the upcoming release
  • ATTENTION!: - This uses is a real endpoint!
    • We pay for each text message so DO NOT loadtest against it!!





  • This environment is used by QA and dev teams for load tests.
  • The goal is to measure how many connections can be handled by the server and anticipate errors that might happen on high load.
  • SMS are not sent for real - they are collected by a fake SMS Gateway: OMXEN.
  • Load tests can interact with OMXEN to check what SMS messages are sent out of the system.
  • You can verify that an SMS message has been received by OMXEN through your browser:





  • This environment is used for production and is the default server for Firefox Nightly.
  • The prod environment provide a Mobile number validation for the countries listed below

Client Country Provider MCC Server Number
USA Nexmo 302 - 310 - 311 - 312 - 313 - 314 - 315 - 316 - 332 - 544 XXXX
More to come


Release Cycle

  • The service is continuously pushed into the DEV server where client developers can test it.
  • The service is released in: STAGE, STAGE-LOADTEST then PRODUCTION every other week (or asap if we discover a security breach)


Branches and bugfix deployments

In case of a bugfix:

  • A commit will with the fix will be pushed to master.
  • A new branch will be created on the github repository with the versions that needs the patch, and the fixes will be applied there (backported).
  • A new tag will be created with the new version (the patch version will be updated) and a deployment request will be filled.

For instance, in case the 0.9.0 release contains a bug that needs to be fixed:

  1. Fix the code in master;
  2. Backport (cherrypick) the commit in the 0.9.x branch (create it if needed);
  3. Tag a new minor release: 0.9.1 and fill a new deployment request.


