Talk:Firefox:2.0 Product Planning:Draft Plan

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Release Criteria

  • schrep: I like nice hard lines when doing release criteria. So I'd make the criteria as simple as possible - 100% of P1's complete. We'll also work on and accept P2/P3's, but if it is important enough to block the release it's a P1. I didn't edit because I thought there might be discussions.
  • Beltzner: Originally these criteria were my idea, but thinking back to my time with IBM, it was nitpicky stuff like calculating %ages of fixed bugs to meet Integrated Product Development (IPD) standards that ended up being used to ship crappy products. We'd bicker over whether or not to include invalid or retargeted bugs in those figures, etc. So maybe it would be easier to just say 100% of P1s. Is there a better way of reflecting the secondary goals of wanting to actually put effort into fixing a lot of the aviary2.0 blockers (which include a lot of UI polish bugs)? Maybe make that a P2 LI?

Add Bookmark Search to Address Bar

  • djst: My proposal for making things easier for the user would be to broaden the autocomplete drop-down list of the address bar to also include Bookmark Search results (currently available from the Bookmarks sidebar). This would mean you could type e.g. "weather" in the address bar, and the result list would include your weather forecast bookmarks, even if their actual addresses didn't contain the word "weather". The Bookmark Search feature, as it is now, is hidden and probably unused by many people.

Déjà Vu

"Firefox 2 will aim to build on the success of Firefox by addressing issues related to the problem of managing the vast amounts of information available on the Internet. Our goal is to provide a browser that helps users manage and organize their online information channels."

Wow, that sounds a whole lot like what Netscape Marketing once said about Netscape Communicator 5 and its planned SmartBrowsing functionality. But thankfully the notes you've put here is more than screenshots. – Minh Nguyễn (talk, contribs, blog) 14:04, 4 Dec 2005 (PST)