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  • Time: Tuesday at 9:15 AM PST / 12:15 PM EST / 5:15 PM UTC.
  • Place: Mozilla HQ, North Bridge
  • Phone (US/Intl): 650 903 0800 x92 Conf: 8616#
  • Phone (Toronto): 416 848 3114 x92 Conf: 8616#
  • Phone (US): 800 707 2533 (pin 369) Conf: 8616#

Who's away?: .



  • PHP baselining this week
  • Py baselining scheduled for next week
    • Will involve Tarek


Account Registration/Management

Python Registration Server (reg/sreg) (Tarek)

  • minor changes in progress

Account Portal (Toby)

Node Assignment (Toby)


Python Sync Server (Tarek)

  • waiting for the load test infrastructure

PHP Sync Server (Toby)

Setting up dev to have this so we can mess with utf8 passwords

Sync Client (philikon/rnewman)

  • treading along on
    • platform improvements (philikon)
    • async APIs (rnewman, philikon)
    • instant sync (marina)


Server (JR)

  • Continued meetings re: Id server protocol.
    • cert final format near resolution (hopefully)
  • reworked ID server to not use PEM after all.
  • installed server to id1 (memory model for now)
    • debugging a few LDAP issues.
  • working on redis storage backend

Client (ddahl)

System Management

Big Lebowski (rtilder)

Need to get code to Tarek for review.


Engineering (Paul/JR)

  • talked with Tod re: notifications and apps integration.
  • Paul working on getting a client running and installable for others to play with.


Testing and Sign-offs (tracy)

  • no scheduled client or server deployment work this week
  • new Services QA hire starting June 20th: James Bonacci
  • working on testplanning for new Sync features (Improvements Page, InstantSync)

Automated Testing (jgriffin, ocoutts)

Grinder Scripts (ocoutts)
  • Refactoring Scripts to create a more consistent api interface.
  • Refactoring to create a config file where all settings live including what the probability of each type of test run will be.

Deployment Requests


Reports and Monitoring (daniel)






Notes and actions

Follow ups from last week

Other issues