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  • Time: Tuesday at 9:15 AM PST / 12:15 PM EST / 5:15 PM UTC.
  • Place: Mozilla HQ, North Bridge
  • Phone (US/Intl): 650 903 0800 x92 Conf: 8616#
  • Phone (Toronto): 416 848 3114 x92 Conf: 8616#
  • Phone (US): 800 707 2533 (pin 369) Conf: 8616#

Who's away?: .



Core Server Platform

Roadmap (Toby)

Big Lebowski (rtilder)


Client (philikon/rnewman)

Two small bugs gone through the train:

Bug 636603 [qa-] Bug 676404 [qa-]

Favicon sync making progress. Spent some time with bbondy; he's got a vested interested in an async API and observers. Should be good.

Setup improvement work is ramping up. ally and rnewman coordinating.

Server (Tarek)

Two things to test on the load test infra once Ops have finished the servers changes

  • killing sql queries on worker restarts
  • credentials cache


Client/Server (JR/Paul)

Beta Channel

Program Launch (mconnor)


Testing and Sign-offs (tracy)

  • This weeks client train was a small change set. It has already passed sign-off.
  • Working with Waverly to get the testing scenarios run across platform/builds for phase 1 of the extension EOL. They are 10 hours ahead, and we are having some issues with the staging of 1.8. As such, we are targeting sign-off by Wednesday morning, Waverly's end of day.

FunkLoad Scripts (ocoutts)

No update.

Sync Server (jbonacci)

  • Planning continues for next Sync Server weekly train, which now looks like it will be a "four-train" train:
    • Bug 676109 - Deploy storage server 1.10-1 to staging
    • Bug 670946 - Release train bug for server-core 2.0
    • Bug 676296 - Production push request for server-node-assignment rpm-1.0-1
    • Bug 676351 - Deploy sreg server rpm-1.0-1 to production
    • Still need to coordinate Load Test in parallel with QA work for next train.
  • Planning continues for new Stage/QA environment, although all prereqs and tickets should be resolved:
    • Link to Stage env details:
    • Will need a little more time to review/test drive the environment prior to next weekly Train, time permitting.
      • Preliminary access and review is done - need to get information about VIP support, if any
  • Need to review some patches and documentation sent to me from Tarek:
    • [Bug 677496] introduce release candidates : [Attachment 551724] patch to the doc that explains the rc process
    • [Bug 677496] introduce release candidates : [Attachment 551725] patch to the doc that explains the rc process
    • [Bug 677344] Implement dev/stage/prod channels : [Attachment 551738] doc about how to use channels

TPS (jgriffin)

Deployment Requests

4 carryovers: Bug 676109 - Storage server Bug 670946 - Account Portal Bug 676296 - Node Assignment Bug 676351 - Sreg


Reports and Monitoring (daniel)



Firefox 6

Firefox 7






Q3 Goals

Notes and actions

Follow ups from last week

Other issues