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MozRep-Final-Outline.png Main | Join | Procedures (SOPs) | Leadership (Resources) | Meetings | Website | FAQ

Mentorship is an essential component of the Mozilla Reps program. It is the starting point for any Mozilla Rep. Mentors decide who to accept into the program. They do this by:

  • Reviewing applications assigned to them on Bugzilla
  • Interviewing applicants to learn more about them, and tell them more about the program
  • Informing applicants whether or not they've been accepted to the program
Keep bugs tidy
Please make sure that within the process the application bug is up to date with the progress and reflects the steps as noted below

1) Being assigned an applicant

Once an applicant has submitted their application form, a bug is created on bugzilla that is triaged by William and Pierros. If this applicant has been selected for the next round, William and Pierros might assign this applicant to you, by assigning you the bug. If this is the case, you will receive an email informing you of this and will be able to access the bug.

Bug Status : ASSIGNED
Bug Whiteboard : Mentor assigned

2) Screening the applicant

The bug you've been assigned contains all the applicant submitted when applying. Read carefully through this information and decide whether or not you think this person is a good candidate to become a Mozilla Rep. Learn more...

3) Orientation Period

After an applicant has been accepted to the program, he or she has a period of working closely with their mentor to get started as a rep. During this period a mentor will help the applicant:

  • Take the first steps in becoming a rep, including returning a signed agreement and filling out a rep profile
  • Learn their responsibilities, such as completing monthly reports
  • Get started attending and planning events in their local area

The orientation period is a different amount of time depending on the applicant. A mentor also decides when a rep has got the hang of things and has "graduated" from this period. Learn more...

4) Post-Orientation Period

Mentors still work with their reps even after the orientation period. Mentors will always:

  • Monitor their reps' monthly reports
  • Assist their reps with swag and budget requests see Tools & Ressources)
  • Nominate their reps for appropriate recognition and rewards
  • Answer any questions or help with any problems

Bug Status : RESOLVED
Bug Whiteboard : Orientation Finished

Re-assigning mentorship to another mentor

There are some cases when the mentor assigned to a rep can no longer fulfill his/her duties as mentor.

This can be due to many factors, including:

  • mentor has moved to another time zone making communication difficult
  • mentor no longer has time or motivation to be a mentor
  • the mentee does not like the way (s-he is being mentored and requests a new mentor

Requesting a new mentor

If a Mozilla Rep is not happy with his/her mentor, the Rep can send an email to any of the council members to request a new mentor. The Rep needs to explain why (s)he wants a new mentor.

Resigning as a mentor

If a mentor can no longer fulfill his/her duties as a mentor, the mentor must send an email to any of the council members to resign and recommend a new mentor to replace him/her.

List of Mentors