QA/Execution/Web Testing/Meetings/2012-03-01

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Meeting Details

Please see our public calendar for all upcoming events and meetings.

Our regular team meeting occurs every Thursday @ 9am Pacific

Action Items / Takeaways from Last Week

  • Note: All previous meeting's action items were about work week so I removed them

Discussion Items / Updates

  • We won't upgrade grid to 2.20.0, we will wait for 2.21.0 which will include bug fixes that promise to fix our timeout issues.
  • Dave and Zac discussed Jenkins job changes and that led us to this plugin which saves previous configurations. For now it will be useful for us but we want to extend it further to include a save message (like a commit message on Git) for communication.
  • Audit of existing plugins on Jenkins - can we remove any that are unused?
  • WebQA blog - when will it be ready? I (Zac) have a blog ready for it.
    • It's an IT bug away -- has it been filed yet? :-)
      • Dave has filed this, this morning
  • pytest-mozwebqa 0.9 (possibly) ready for testing with production testing safeguards.
  • Do we have/want to have a policy regarding import order, from PEP8?
  • We need to promote automation when it finds bugs. What do we currently do with [fromAutomation] whiteboard entries and how can we make these more visible?
    • Who's the target audience, besides Webdev and WebQA?
  • Can we delete ?
    • Marlena will delete
  • Goals!

Engagement Project Status

If you've worked on an engagement project in the last week, enter your name, the project name, and time spent in hours (estimated).

  • DTPT Phase II - Worked on bug verification, project is waiting for a security review. Estimate: 1 hr
  • Betafarm - Introductory meeting & ramp up. Estimate: 2 hrs
  • Firefox Flicks
    • Stephen; estimate: 6+ hours

Project Status / goals for next week (keep it brief)

  • Affiliates
    • Successful 2.22.12 release
    • no release this week - Flux team is having a workweek
  • AMO
    • we've got mobile tests
    • Dave's new pytest plugin means we can start with production tests again
    • Automated tester is working on file upload which will allow us to do the marketplace submission test
    • Thanks to Automation Services for their help with these two items.
  • Marketplace
  • Input
  • Jetpack Builder (aka FlightDeck)
  • Mozillians
    • Feature testing is currently blocked by bug 731206
    • We have 2 new contributors on the project. One WebDev and one QA.
  • MDN
  • Socorro
    • 2.4.4 milestone released on 2/29
    • May do an out of band release to land ESR support
    • Automation caught a serious regression on production spurring a 2nd release - bug 731785
  • SUMO
    • [2/28 release went out
    • 3/6 release in progress
  • Case Conductor
    • .8 release in progress, testing locally, waiting for IT to get site up

Community Update

Time off / Out-of-office

  • Zac 5th March 2012 (1 day)
  • Teodosia 2nd March until 9th March (6 days)

Takeaways and Action Items

  • Takeways:
  • Action Items:
    • Dave to take a look at our Jenkins plugins and see which ones we don't need
    • Zac and Marlena to look at Dave's 0.9 version of the pytest-mozwebqa plugin for safeguarded-tests
    • Dave to investigate Tegra2 issue w/certificates
    • Stephen to add a standing line item for performance-testing updates
  • Next owner:
  • Next week's meeting notes: