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Thursday 19 April, 2012

Registration Table at NH City & Tower Hotel

Please stop by the lobby of the NH Hotel from 12pm to 6pm to register for MozCamp and pick up your badge, lanyard, MozCamp guidebook, and a map to Bar Orsai.

Work Space

Staff and volunteers who are either local (or arriving early) will be permitted to utilize the working space we have rented at the Urban Station. More details here:

Tour of MozCamp Venue

A tour of Paseo La Plaza will be available to those interested on Thursday afternoon. More info here.

Mozilla party at the BAFICI

If you are local to Buenos Aires or the surrounding region, join us at BAFICI's (Buenos Aires International Independent Film Festival) Mozilla Night! More details here.

Friday 20 April, 2012

Registration Table at NH City & Tower Hotel

Please stop by the lobby of the NH Hotel from 8am to 6pm to register for MozCamp and pick up your badge, lanyard, MozCamp guidebook, and a map to Bar Orsai.

Work Space

Staff and volunteers who are either local (or arriving early) will be permitted to utilize the working space we have rented at the Urban Station. More details here:

Mozilla MDN Hack Day

The MDN Hack Day takes place Friday April 20, from 9am-5pm. Registration is now open and you DO NOT need an invitation to register for MDN Hack Day! More info here.

Help Assemble Gear Bags

Please join Luciana in assembling the Gear Bags on Friday afternoon ar 3pm at Paseo La Plaza. More info here.

Language Meet-Up

Join us for a cocktail and practice your new language! We will host a get together that will include native speakers in English, Spanish and Portuguese. More info here.

Welcome/Get-together Friday night

All are welcome to attend our Friday night Kick-off get-together at Bar Orsai! More info here.

Saturday 21 April, 2012


See track view: Product & Technology, Community Building & Collaboration, Engagement & Localization.

Time Julio Cortazar B Julio Cortazar A Pablo Cascal Storni
07:30 - 8:15 Breakfast (Floor 0)
07:45 Event staff transported to the Paseo
08:15 Three buses leave the hotel to Paseo
08:30 - 09:00 Registration
09:00 - 09:15 Welcome + Opening (Mary Colvig, Guillermo Movia, Clauber Stipkovic Halic, Katherine Naszradi)
09:15 - 09:45 Gary Kovacs
09:45 - 10:45 Product Vision (Johnathan Nightingale)
10:45 - 11:15 Market Context and Engagement Update (Mary Colvig + Jayson Fittipaldi)
11:15 - 11:45 Mitchell Baker
11:45 - 12:15 Meet the Many Voices of One Mozilla - Community Quilt (12 x 2 min)
12:15 - 13:00 Lunch (Location TBD)
Time Julio Cortazar B Julio Cortazar A Pablo Cascal Storni
13:05 - 13:50 Introduction to B2G (Philikon) Firefox Performance (Vladan Djeric) Spanish across LATAM workshop (Axel Hecht) Brazilian JavaScript Communities (Leo Balter and Felipe N. Moura)
13:55 - 14:40 The Web is everywhere and so is your app (Shane Caraveo) Designing Firefox (Jennifer Morrow) Localization (Guillermo Lopez) Mozilla Governance: present and future (Deimidis)
14:45 - 15:30 The Newest Tools for Web Devs (Kevin Dangoor) Mobile Testing Workshop (Juan Becerra/Marcia Knous) Translation for new localization doc (Jeff Beatty) The SUMO Magnet: attracting contributors to SUMO and Mozilla (Rosana Ardila/ Madalina Ana)
15:30 - 15:45 Break
15:50 - 16:35 Introduction to Persona & BrowserID (Dan Mills) Ingeniera de releases - Release Engineering (Armen Zambrano Gasparnian) De Todos Para Todos / Firefox Flicks (Jesse Montano) Development community and hacker culture (Julio Gómez)
16:40 - 17:25 Spread Persona workshop (Laura Forrest & Dan Mills) WebDev at Mozilla (Ricky Rosario) Privacy and User Control (Stacy Martin) Helping Secure Firefox, Mozilla web apps, and your community servers
17:30 - 18:00 Grow Mozilla (Mary Colvig + Debbie Cohen) - Maquiavelo Bar
18:00 - 19:00 Internet Policy Discussion (Mitchell Baker - Tentative) - Maquiavelo Bar
18:35 All buses leave Paseo La Plaza for hotel
20:00 Meet in hotel lobby to walk to dinner
20:30 - 23:30 Dinner at L'Atelier De Celine

Language assistance for the Keynotes

If you have trouble understanding spoken English (or if it is easier for you to read the Keynotes in Spanish or Portuguese) the following etherpads will be updated simultaneously as the Keynotes are being given. Please feel free to follow along to the keynotes on these etherpads:



Also, Jeff Beatty and Fábio Magnoni will be available at a specially-marked table at lunch to help explain the keynotes to those individuals who still have questions about the keynotes (or would like clarification on what was said).

Sunday 22 April, 2012

See track view: Product & Technology, Community Building & Collaboration, Engagement & Localization.

Time Julio Cortazar B Julio Cortazar A Pablo Cascal Storni
7:00am Leave for futbol game (breakfast will open at 6:30am for those participating in the futbol game)
7:30 - 8:30am Play futbol with the CEO
9:00am Arrive back at the hotel
9:45am All buses leave the hotel for the Paseo La Plaza
10:30 - 11:30am Leadership Q&A
11:30 - 12:10 Javascript APIs - The Web is the Platform (Robert Nyman) Getting Started With Add-on Development (Jorge Villalobos) Grow Firefox Aurora (Grace Jimenez) Mozilla Reps! What's Next!
12:10 - 12:55 Lunch
Time Julio Cortazar B Julio Cortazar A Pablo Cascal Storni
12:55 - 13:35 Building an Interoperable Web (David Baron) B2G and App Security model Getting involved with Mozilla PR (Shannon Prior/Leslie Nakajima) Amie
13:40 - 14:20 Getting a Handle on Privacy & Security (Shane Caraveo) Crash analysis (Marcia Knous) Reaching millions more Firefox users in Latin America (William Reynolds and Winston Bowden) WebFWD Needs You: 'Adelante' Open Source Innovation (Havi Hoffman)
14:20 - 14:35 Coffee Break
14:35 - 15:15 Rethinking Add-ons! Why not? (Clauber Stipkovic) Powered by Mozilla Web finds Physical Spaces (Marcio Galli) Firefox and the New Release Cycle (Chris Hofmann & Laura Mesa) Community' stories
15:15 - 16:00 User Experience Workshop (Jennifer Morrow) Page Inspector for Tablets & Touch Devices (Fabricio Zuardi) Mozbuzz:Measuring The Masses (Felipe Lerena) Community Tools Roadmap 2012 (aakashd)
16:00 - 16:30 MozCamp Official Closing Remarks
Time Julio Cortazar B Julio Cortazar A Storni A Storni B
16:30 - 17:10 Hackasaurus Discussion - teaching kids how to hack User Engagement Photo-shoot (William Reynolds) How to use the Firefox Brand in Your Projects (Laura Forrest) Marketing Collective
17:10 - 17:50 A Single Voice: - Collaborating with Global Communities (Dave Berz) Continued: User Engagement Photo-shoot (William Reynolds) Helping to cut the digital divide, Locating other Mexican languages (Odin Mojica/Julio Gomez) B2G Community
17:50 - 18:30 How to Keep Moving! - Motivating and Keeping Volunteers Engaged (Dave Berz) TBD Localizing the web with Pontoon (Jeff Beatty) SUMO interactive feedback session (Rosana Ardila/ Madalina Ana)
19:00 All buses return to the hotel (everyone will be on their own for dinner)

Dance video filming and photo shoot

We will film a dance video and take photos that will be shared with Mozillians and Firefox users from 16:30 - 17:50 in Julio Cortazar with William Reynolds. All are welcome to participate. We will teach everyone a simple dance and then film the video. Then we will take photos to be used in Firefox promotions for users.

Monday 23 April, 2012

Community Work Day

Todo sobre el evento se ubica aqui