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Please add a section for your location, and/or add yourself to the section for the location(s) you're interested in. If you have a lead on a location to host, or are genuinely willing and able to help organize, please indicate so in your notes, and/or send mail to with details. Thanks! Mozilla Everywhere Team Fight!

Toronto, Canada

  • Mike Shaver (shaver, add-ons, MDC, etc.); Mozilla Corp has offices here, plus likely other facilities available at Seneca and other places
  • David Bolter (davidb, accessibility); Just tell me when and where. Need help?
  • David Humphrey (dave, Mozilla Developer education); Space is easy.

Prague, Czech Republic

Several people had reacted favorably to the idea of a developer day in Prague when discussed at the Paris developer day. We are looking at a mid-November time frame. This could also be an opportunity to have a face-to-face Mozpad meeting. Please add your name and any ideas you may have for an agenda:

  • Matthew Gertner (plasticmillion, AllPeers); bursting with local knowledge

Agenda Ideas

  • add ideas here

Tokyo, Japan

Mozilla Japan has offices in Tokyo and produced a Firefox Developer Day in Dec. 2006. We have various facilities at our disposal for developer events in 2007.

See: Japan/FxDevCon/Summer2007/English

Paris, France

Mozilla Europe is willing to organize a Firefox Developer Day in June 2007, probably focused on Firefox 3 and Extension Development. We have been organizing similar events during Fosdem every year for 5 or 6 years in a row (actually even before Mozilla Europe was born!). For the first year, we are considering doing it in Paris, as it's easier for us to manage (and Paris during Spring is wonderful, so this does not hurt), but the next editions could take place in cities like Barcelona, for example.

See: DeveloperDays/ParisJune2007