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This is the page for the Developer Day to be held on June 23, 2007 in Paris.


  • Venue: Confair - 54, Rue Laffitte, 75009 Paris, France - 01 55 31 95 30
  • Map
  • Approximately 10:00AM to 8:00PM
  • Lunch will be provided on site
  • Hotel group rate info: Hotel Best Western Bergère Opéra - 32-34 rue Bergère, 75009 Paris - 01 47 70 34 34

Bedrooms have been booked. A rooming list is available at the hotel. (Drinks... will be charged to you)

  • Local travel information:
    • Metro Line 8, 9: stop at Grands Boulevards; or
    • Line 7: stop at Cadet ; or Le Peletier
    • Line 12: stop at Notre-Dame de Lorette
    • Buses from CDG Airport to Opéra; or
    • RER B stop at Châtelet Les Halles.

Note: Just be aware that metro line 7 doesn't stop at Opera these days

Get your public transport route

Dinner Details

Friday 22nd
(Meeting at 7:45pm in the hotel lobby. Anne-Julie will walk with the group to the restaurant)

48 rue d'Argout
Paris 2ème (+33 1 4236 0211)
Métro: Sentier or Bourse map

Saturday 23rd
5' walk from Club Confair (10' from the hotel)
Map and indications will be handed out during the day

La Bodega
23 rue Taitbout
Paris 9ème 
Métro: Chaussée d'Antin Lafayette or Opéra or Auber  map

The meeting on saturday will start at 10:30am
You will need to leave the hotel at 9:45 - 8' walk to Club Confair
Coffee with "croissants" will be served at the venue


Map featuring Dalva, Bodega, Club Confair and hotel


Please put yourself in an appropriate section below, as befits your level of confidence and interest. If you are attending, please note whether or not you have booked your room. Please also use the template provided, as it will make it much easier for us to work with the data. Thanks!


"I will be attending. Full stop."

If you are coming to the event, please give us your arrival/departure/hotels/dinners details so as to help us with the organization of the event : List of participants with logistics details

  • Mike Shaver (shaver, add-ons, MDC); your cruise director
  • Paul Rouget (paul, codeeditor); XulFr board member
  • Tristan Nitot (nitot, European stuff); your local guide for the cruise
  • Benjamin Smedberg (bsmedberg, XULRunner/Build System); shedding light on XUL dark matter?
  • Eric Shepherd (sheppy, Developer Relations); hoping to talk to localization teams
  • David Marteau (daim, XulFr);
  • Pascal Martin (Pmartin76, Wikipediaondvd); ...
  • Sébastien Courvoisier (phasme, RBS Strasbourg); Web & XUL developer, curious about the future of remote XUL, XULRunner, etc.
  • Sébastien Heyd (?, RBS Strasbourg); Web & XUL developer
  • Raphaël Rougeron (goldoraf, CCIP); Web & XUL developer
  • Pascal Chevrel (pascalc, Mozilla Europe); will bring pizza
  • Emmanuel Chavane - and/or Courtanet team members (echavane, Courtanet); Courtanet develops insurance software based on XUL
  • Nicolas Monnet (niczar, Courtanet);
  • François de Metz (francoisdemetz, Courtanet);
  • Frédéric Legens (flegens, XulBooster);
  • Julien Wajsberg (julienw, France Telecom R&D); studying various ria solutions, especially XUL
  • Cédric Corazza (Cedric, Frenchmozilla);
  • Marc Belmont (marc, none); curious about what's next.
  • Régis Gaidot (rgaidot, none);
  • Jan Odvárko (Honza, AllPeers); interested in JavaScript & XUL development
  • Luděk Cigler (sinfjotli, AllPeers); Microformats, The Coop, ...
  • Christophe Poncy (christophe, none);
  • Andreas Wuest (aw1, Wyona Yulup);
  • arno renevier (arno., ); XUL developer
  • Charly Clairmont (egwada, Altic); interested in JavaScript, XUL development, web services
  • Christophe Charron (xof, ); Remote XUL developer
  • Jacques Ales (., eqd); Remote XUL developer
  • Amédée Souquet (souqueta, TomTom);
  • René-Luc D'Hont (reluc, mozmaptoolkit); 3Liz
  • John Resig (jresig, Fuel, JavaScript Libraries);
  • Gervase Markham (gerv, Mozilla Foundation);
  • Philippe Dessante (filip, Frenchmozilla);
  • Benoit Leseul (BenoitL, FrenchMozilla l10n,;
  • Axel Hecht (Pike, Localization coordinator, Mozilla);
  • Daniel Kirsch (kirschkern, XUL developer);
  • Corentin Charron (MrYann, high-school pupil, curious about web technologies);
  • Frédéric Chateaux (fredchat, Frenchmozilla, MDC);
  • David Teller (OpenBerg Project, Researcher in formal methods and security/Developer of e-Book software);
  • Nicolas Froidure (Nfroidure, Elitwork, addon developer: BBComposer, Kgen)); Will answer to any question about previous addons
  • Stephane Mariel (., Rift Technologies); Remote XUL Developer
  • Régis Caspar (Regis, Unilog LogicaCMG); addons/XUL Developer, curious
  • Cesar Oliveira (cesar, XUL Explorer);
  • Julien Issler (Julien, Dragon-CMS); Main developer of Dragon-CMS, an opensource CMS with a Xulrunner-based client application
  • Carsten Book (Tomcat, MozQA);
  • Christian Biesinger (biesi, Gecko);
  • Vivien Nicolas (vivien, none); XUL Developer
  • Jess Combaz (Jess, none);
  • Mike Schroepfer (schrep, Mozilla); Administrative Overhead
  • Samuel Monsarrat (smonsarr, scenari-platform); SCENARI is a multimedia document creation and publishing system with a XUL based front-end
  • Stéphane Crozat (none, scenari-platform);
  • Daniel Glazman (glazou, Disruptive Innovations);
  • Laurent Fournier (lfournie, TRAMweb);
  • David Vismans (dvi, TomTom);
  • Wladimir Palant (trev, Adblock Plus);
  • Vladimir Vukicevic (vlad, gfx, 3d, all sorts of fun stuff!);
  • Neil Deakin (Enn, XUL Gatekeeper);
  • Adrian Kalla (Adrianer,, Polish l10n);
  • Peter Van der Beken (peterv, Gecko);
  • Allan Beaufour (beaufour, Joost);
  • Xavier Grosjean (Reivax, Yoono);
  • Laurent Quérel (lquerel, Yoono);
  • Rubén Martín (Nukeador, Mozilla Europe es-ES Team);
  • Guillaume Guérin (Deeder, );
  • Fernando García (stripTM) & Pilar G. (Mozilla Europe and Nave, translation Mozilla Products to es-ES, Madrid); Spain
  • Stanisław Małolepszy (staszyna,, Polish l10n);
  • Zbigniew Braniecki (gandalf, Mozilla Europe,;
  • Florian Quèze (fqueze, none);
  • Alain Boquet (chbok, xulfr,;
  • Alexandre Poirot (alexp, none); XUL Developer
  • Stéphane Philippe (SolutionsActives, );
  • Jacques Garrouste (Saiga Informatique,;
  • Mickaël Durao (Saiga Informatique,;
  • Olivier Gambier (dmp, Disruptive Innovations);
  • Henrik Skupin (whimboo, Mozilla Europe de Team);
  • Xavier Antoviaque (kalhaan, Neuf Cegetel);
  • Maxime Alexandre (mysegfault,, EDIS-CONSULTING);
  • Philippe Bernery (pbernery, OpenWengo);
  • Edwin Khodabakchian (khodabakchian, DevHD);
  • Martijn Gerrits (mage, TomTom);
  • Ben Bucksch (BenB, Beonex, TomTom);
  • Tom Germeau (tomg, Joost);
  • Bas Schouten (/, Joost);
  • Alex Fritze (afri, Joost);
  • Jean-Marc Orsatelli (jmorsatelli, Let's surf Deleuze's voice !); synchronized transcripts in Firefox ?
  • Jérémie Patonnier (Jep, Cetelem);
  • Marc Dassonneville (marc, Le Monde Interactif); XUL Developer
  • Edouard Andrieu (edouard, Le Monde Interactif);

Probably (logistics)

"I'll be attending if I can sort out travel/timing/permission from my parole office."

  • Pierre-André Galmes (pagalmes, StarXpert); personnal reasons
  • François Pichard (tchuntfr, none); depends on my internship
  • Brian King (kinger, Briks Software,; coincides with personal holidays
  • Konstantin Lepikhov (lakostis, Russian Mozilla Team); visa don't ready yet :(
  • Aurélien Levy (Goetsu, Tektonika); check familial reason
  • Benjamin Fabre (WASALive, co-founder); Currently developing a FF extension

Probably (content)

"I'll likely be there, but I'm not certain until I get a better picture of what's going on."

  • Antoine Quint (graouts, Joost); need to have a better idea what the program will entail
  • Cyril Attias (Digital Ogilvy, just curious :-)[1]]); France
  • Richard Menneveux (, curious too :-)[2] [3]]); France
  • Alexis Metaireau (, curious too :-) [4] ]); France


"I'd like to have been there, but I have other commitments, or a severe allergy to lizard-logo T-shirts." (This will help us "size the market" for future such events, especially in this area.)

  • Matthew Gertner (plasticmillion, AllPeers); Unfortunately this turns out to conflict with a family commitment. I'll try to find someone here to go instead.
  • Alex Vincent (WeirdAl, Verbosio); I'd love to go, but all the planets need to align for me to pull this off. If a XUL IDE is on the discussion board, can we work in a conference call for me?
  • Olli Pettay (smaug, content/); Midsummer is kind of strange day for a developers meeting :/
  • Laurent Jouanneau (laurentj, Xulfr); Conflict with a family commitment too..
  • Robert Kaiser (KaiRo, SeaMonkey); conflicts with the biggest European open air festival (Donauinselfest) right here in Vienna, as well as university exam season
  • Glimpse (Strasbourg, France); I'll be on Paris at this time, but I've already planned something else that I can't cancel (Muse at Bercy! :)).
  • Jean-Marie LAFON (, France); Paris is too far for me
  • Benoît Pruneau (Blog@Ben], Canada); Too far, you say?
  • Mark Finkle (mfinkle, extensions, components, docs, tools & samples); see you in Tokyo
  • Marek Stępień (marcoos,, Polish l10n); conflicts with my final MSc. exams and other stuff. See you next time. ;)
  • Gijs Kruitbosch (Gijs, ChatZilla dev, a11y grantee, Ex-SoC student); Unfortunately I'm in the middle of my final university project at that time. I will be in Paris a week later, for an hour and a half, passing by towards holiday destinations...
  • Andreas Otte (venn, necko); Conflict with a family commitment
  • Patrick Brunschwig (glime, Enigmail); Conflicts with my holidays
  • Sinklar (Be:Fox, Belgium, student and webmaster of probably the only belgian blog about FFx/Moz); Still wondering why exams are planned for june...
  • Toni Hermoso Pulido (Toniher, Catalan Mozilla localization); Other commitments. I hope to be there next time!
  • Simon Lucy (SimonL, Joost); Unfortunately a prior engagement.
  • Giuliano Masseroni (jooliaan, Mozilla Italia); I can't be there due to an unexpected and urgent family necessity. See you next time.
  • Emmanuel Engelhart (kelson, Wikimédia France); I can't be there due to a lack of places in the train