Engagement/Lifecycle Marketing

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Community Engagement
Team Lead: Mary Colvig Mailing List: rainbow-unicorns at mozilla.com
Empower and grow our overall community, from users to core volunteers, to not only use Firefox and Mozilla products, but to advocate and promote, and actively participate in Mozilla.


The Community Engagement team helps grow and empower our overall community from users to core volunteers, to not only use Firefox and Mozilla products, but to advocate and promote, and actively participate in Mozilla. We start by creating 1:1 relationships through our communication channels with our users and prospective volunteers. From there, we educate people on how to get the most from their online experience through our products as well as how to participate in Mozilla and spread the word. We also actively foster and support a base of advocates who amplify and scale our overall engagement efforts and Mozilla volunteer leaders. To do this, we offer our broad community the tools and opportunities to take part at each level of engagement from user to core contributor and leader. While we don’t have the deep pockets of our competitors, we have a public benefit mission and the potential for massive scale with our 100s of millions of users, supporters and contributors.

Team Roster

Name Team Contact Location Role
Jennifer Balaco Supporter Engagement jbalaco [at] mozilla.com San Francisco, CA, US Gear + Creative Team project management
Winston Bowden User Engagement wbowden [at] mozilla.com Raleigh, NC, US User Engagement manager (Social Media, Email Engagement, Snippet, SMS)
Jean Collings User Engagement jcollings [at] mozilla.com San Francisco, CA, US Online Marketing Manager
Mary Colvig mary [at] mozilla.com San Francisco, CA, US Director, Community Engagement
Jess Davis User Engagement jdavis [at] mozilla.com Mountain View, CA, US Email Marketing Manager, get them live perfect every time!
Gen Kanai Contributor Engagement gen [at] mozilla.com Tokyo, Japan Community Manager (Asia)
Brian King Contributor Engagement bking [at] mozilla.com Raka, Slovenia Contributor Engagement Manager, Mozilla Reps, Firefox OS launches, Community Manager (Europe)
Jesse Montano Supporter Engagement jmontano [at] mozilla.com San Francisco, CA, US Supporter Engagement
Guillermo Movia Contributor Engagement gmovia [at] mozilla.com Buenos Aires, Argentina Community Manager (Latam)
Katherine Naszradi Supporter Engagement knaszradi [at] mozilla.com San Francisco, CA, US Community Engagement Manager, Firefox Student Ambassador Program
Chelsea Novak Supporter Engagement cnovak [at] mozilla.com Toronto, Canada Supporter Engagement Manager, Firefox Affiliates, Firefox OS launches & Mobilizers, Fox suit travel agent
Jessica Osorio Supporter Engagement josorio [at] mozilla.com Miami, FL, US Supporter Engagement
Konstantina Papadea Contributor Engagement kpapadea [at] mozilla.com Athens, Greece Mozilla Reps gear and budget keeper
William Reynolds Contributor Engagement williamr [at] mozilla.com SF, California, US Product Manager, Community Tools
Michaela Thayer User Engagement mthayer [at] mozilla.com Alexandria, VA, US Social Media Manager
TBD TBD TBD TBD Content/Editorial Engagement, Writer
TBD TBD TBD TBD Mozilla Reps Program Manager

Core Functional Areas

Relationship development

We build direct relationships with our users, advocates and volunteers by identifying their particular needs and aligning them with the appropriate communications, education and opportunities to solidify, and grow, their relationship with Mozilla. This includes our newsletter and social media programs, our Get Involved page, and the scores of events that take place globally.

Advocacy and Activation

We activate and foster a base of advocates with tools and opportunities based on their interest and level of engagement with Mozilla. These advocates amplify and scale our overall engagement efforts through programs like Mozilla Reps, Affiliates, and word-of-mouth marketing campaigns that enable volunteer-driven global campaigns.

Community Leadership

We identify and provide opportunities for contributors to lead and have a voice within the Mozilla organization. We also provide leadership support to our community leaders to ensure they can accomplish their endeavors regionally and globally. We do this namely through our Mozilla Reps and MozCamps programs, and in conjunction with the People Team and the Office of the Chair.

Underlining Supporting Programs (spans all three core areas)

  • Regional Community Management
  • Mozilla Reps and Firefox Student Ambassadors
  • Community Tools and Mozillians
  • Gear and Recognition

Get In Touch

Email, IRC and Forums

  • Team alias: rainbow-unicorns at mozilla dot com
    • Contributor Engagement alias: contributor-engagement at mozilla dot com