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The Mobile-ID service provides a global mobile number validation system that can be used to authenticate a user's device. It interacts with SMS gateways to send and receive SMSs.

See :


  • Dev Team
    • Tarek Ziadé <>
    • Alexis Metaireau <>
    • Rémy Hubscher <>
  • OPS
    • Benson Wong <>
    • Wesley Dawson <>
  • QA
    • James Bonacci <>


There are three environments.


This environment is used for the development of the Loop app. It is maintained by devs and tracks the github master so the WebRTC team and TEF can try it.

The dev environment provide a Mobile number validation for the following countries

Client Country Provider MCC Server Number
USA Nexmo 302 - 310 - 311 - 312 - 313 - 314 - 315 - 316 - 332 - 544 117142940188
France Nexmo 208 - 308 - 340 - 543 - 546 - 547 - 647 - 742 33644630007
Spain Nexmo 214 34911067077
Others Nexmo 447937946655


This environment is used by QA and dev for load tests. The goal is to measure how many connections can be handled by the server and anticipate errors that might happen on high load.

SMS are not sent for real, they are collected by a fake SMS Gateway: OMXEN. We deployed it at

Load tests can interact with OMXEN to check what SMSs are sent out of the system.


Only OPS can access it.

This environment is used for production and will be used for the Loop app.

The prod environment provide a Mobile number validation for the following countries:

Client Country Provider MCC Server Number
USA Nexmo 302 - 310 - 311 - 312 - 313 - 314 - 315 - 316 - 332 - 544 12182967993
More to come

Release Cycle

The service is continuously pushed into the dev server when client developers can test it.

The service is released in production every other week when needed (or asap if we discover a security breach)

  • Tuesday - end of previous cycle. tagging. pushed to stage
  • Tuesday through Friday - load testing by James on stage
  • Monday - push to prod if no regression, if any regression backed off