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When and Where?

The Bugzilla community holds public meetings on the 1st Wednesday of every month at 21:00 UK time. Everyone interested in being actively involved in the Bugzilla project can attend. Project leads and core developers will hopefully be there, but we welcome anyone interested in contributing, whether it be to development, testing, planning, the website, or anything else.

The September meeting was cancelled for lack of agenda and participants (most of the core developers can't make it).

The next meeting will be on Wednesday, 2020-Oct-07, at 21:00 London time (click for time in your timezone) or 1pm Pacific Time. ICS for your calendar: gc_button1_en.gif for best results, right-click and copy the link, then paste it into the subscribe dialog in your calendar app. Just clicking the link will download an ics file that will be loaded once into your calendar and never update.

You can watch in the following ways:

To participate directly:

  • Join Zoom Meeting

Dial-in: Zoom Meeting ID: 98749428972


One tap mobile

+16465588656,,98749428972# US (New York)

+17207072699,,98749428972# US

+18778535257,,98749428972# US Toll-free

  • Dial by your location
    • +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) Conf# 98749428972
    • +1 720 707 2699 US Conf# 98749428972
    • 877 853 5257 US Toll-free Conf# 98749428972
    • +61 8 7150 1149 Australia Conf# 98749428972
    • +61 2 8015 2088 Australia Conf# 98749428972
    • 1800 893 423 Australia Toll-free Conf# 98749428972
    • +1 647 558 0588 Canada Conf# 98749428972
    • +33 7 5678 4048 France Conf# 98749428972
    • +33 1 8288 0188 France Conf# 98749428972
    • 805 082 588 France Toll-free Conf# 98749428972
    • +49 30 5679 5800 Germany Conf# 98749428972
    • +49 69 8088 3899 Germany Conf# 98749428972
    • +49 30 3080 6188 Germany Conf# 98749428972
    • 800 724 3138 Germany Toll-free Conf# 98749428972
    • +852 5808 6088 Hong Kong, China Conf# 98749428972
    • +44 203 966 3809 United Kingdom Conf# 98749428972
    • +44 203 695 0088 United Kingdom Conf# 98749428972
    • 800 031 5717 United Kingdom Toll-free Conf# 98749428972

Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/arTmhIbX

If you want to both see and hear but don't want to use Zoom you can connect on Air Mozilla, mute the speaker, and also dial in.

There is also a text chat back channel on the Freenode IRC server: chat.freenode.net, channel #bugzilla or on Matrix in #bugzilla:mozilla.org or on Bugzilla Discord in #devel (the thee channels are linked, join whichever you like)

Video recordings of past meetings can be viewed at https://www.youtube.com/user/Mozilla/search?query=bugzilla


  1. Old Business:
    1. Bugzilla 5.2 and 6 status (dylan)
      1. release schedule
  2. New Business
  3. Any other business
  4. Q&A / Open discussion

Summaries of previous meetings


Wednesday, April 1st (canceled in honor of April Fools Day [and nothing on the agenda])

Wednesday, March 4th

Wednesday, February 5th

Wednesday, January 8th


Wednesday, December 4th (video)

Wednesday, November 6th (video)

Wednesday, October 2nd (video)

Wednesday, September 4th (video)

Wednesday, August 7th (video)

Wednesday, July 3rd (canceled due to scheduling conflicts and nothing on the agenda)

Wednesday, June 5th (video)

Wednesday, May 1st (video)

Wednesday, April 3rd (video)

Wednesday, March 6th (video)

Wednesday, February 6th (video)

Wednesday, January 9th (video)


Wednesday, December 5th (video)

Wednesday, November 7th (video link coming soon)

Wednesday, October 3rd (video)

Wednesday, September 5th (video)

Wednesday, August 1st (video)

Wednesday, July 4th (video)

Wednesday, June 6th (video)

Wednesday, May 2nd (cancelled due to sick people and lack of agenda)

Wednesday, April 4th (video)

Wednesday, March 7th (video)

Wednesday, February 7th (video)

Wednesday, January 3rd (video)


Wednesday, December 6 (cancelled due to missing critical attendees)

Wednesday, November 1st (video)

Wednesday, October 4th (video)

Wednesday, September 6th (video)

Wednesday, August 2nd (cancelled due to lack of things to discuss - let's hack instead :-)

Wednesday, July 5th (video)

Wednesday, June 7th (video)

Wednesday, May 24th (video)

Wednesday, April 26th (video)

Wednesday, March 22nd (video)

Wednesday, February 22nd (cancelled due to lack of attendance by key people - see developers mailing list for followup discussion)

Wednesday, January 25th (cancelled due to lack of attendance by key people)


Wednesday, December 28th

Wednesday, November 23rd (cancelled due to US holidays)

Wednesday, October 26th

Wednesday, September 28th

Wednesday, August 24th -- notes missing

Wednesday, July 27th

Wednesday, June 22nd (cancelled)

Wednesday, May 25th

Wednesday, April 27th

Wednesday, March 23rd

Wednesday, February 24th

Wednesday, January 27th


Wednesday, December 23rd

Wednesday, November 25th

Wednesday, October 28th (skipped due to one attendee; meeting moves time next month)

Wednesday, September 23 (meeting happened but no notes taken)

Wednesday, August 26th

Wednesday, July 22nd

Wednesday, June 24th (skipped due to Mozilla all-hands)

Wednesday, May 26th

Wednesday, April 22nd (skipped due to a single agenda item and no attendees)

Wednesday, March 25th

Wednesday, February 25th

Wednesday, January 28th (skipped due to lack of agenda items)


Wednesday, November 26th

Wednesday, October 22nd

Wednesday, September 24th

Wednesday, August 27th

Wednesday, July 23rd

Wednesday, June 25th

Wednesday, May 28th

Wednesday, April 23rd


Wednesday, July 17th


Wednesday, February 15th


Tuesday, March 1st


Tuesday, January 12th

Tuesday, April 27th

Tuesday, October 5th


Tuesday, January 13th

Tuesday, February 10th

Tuesday, March 10th (50th IRC meeting)

Tuesday, April 14th

Tuesday, July 14th

Tuesday, August 18th

Tuesday, October 27th


Tuesday, January 15th

Tuesday, February 12th

Tuesday, February 26th

Tuesday, March 25th

Tuesday, April 8th (40th IRC meeting)

Tuesday, May 6th

Tuesday, May 20th

Tuesday, July 1st

Tuesday, August 12th

Tuesday, September 16th

Tuesday, October 21st

Tuesday, November 18th


Tuesday, January 9th

Tuesday, February 6th

Tuesday, February 27th

Tuesday, March 20th

Tuesday, May 15th

Tuesday, June 12th

Tuesday, July 10th (30th IRC meeting)

Tuesday, August 7th

Tuesday, September 4th

Tuesday, October 2nd

Tuesday, November 6th

Tuesday, December 4th


Thursday, February 2nd (our first IRC meeting!)

Tuesday, February 14th

Tuesday, February 28th

Tuesday, March 14th

Tuesday, March 28th

Tuesday, April 11th

Tuesday, April 25th

Tuesday, May 9th

Tuesday, May 23rd

Tuesday, June 6th (10th IRC meeting)

Thursday, June 22nd

Tuesday, July 11th

Monday, July 24th

Tuesday, August 8th

Tuesday, August 22nd

Tuesday, September 5th

Tuesday, September 19th

Tuesday, October 3rd

Tuesday, October 17th

Tuesday, October 31st (20th IRC meeting)

Tuesday, November 14th

Tuesday, November 28th

Tuesday, December 12th
