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General information: Paris June 2007

We will lead off with some short, fast talks on various topics, and some demos from developers in attendance. Lightning talks should give a quick synopsis of the topic, and demos should be exciting rather than exhaustive. We want this to be a fun and informal event, so please don't be shy about getting up even if you only have 30 seconds of content!

After the lightning talks, sometime around lunch, we'll get together and decide how to carve up the afternoon into sessions for longer discussions.

Note: #devday channel on server for backchannel chatting on the day of the event!


Time Topic
~10h20 Welcome and Introduction
~10h30 Introductions and Discussion Choice
10h50 Discussion 1 (XUL)
11h45 Discussion 2 (XUL Developer Tools)
12h45 Lunch
14h00 Demos
16h20 Break for caffeine
17h20 Main Room: MDC Localization Discussion / Breakout: XUL dark matter
17h50 Main room: Multimedia, video, graphics
18h10 Main room: Hacking Mozilla in Europe / Breakout: AMO: threat or menace?
18h30 Wrap-up and Thanks; Schwag Distribution
18h45 Main room: mozpad

Something to discuss?

Please feel free to propose a discussion, or volunteer for a demo, on the Proposed Topics page. The more the merrier!