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Channel Meeting Details

Video/Teleconference Details

These notes are read by people who weren't able to attend the meeting. Please make sure to include links and context so they can be understood.


pascal, RyanVM, Aryx, telin, tracy, vbalducci, mcalderon, cguerrero

Schedule Update

  • Release day
    • 93.0 live @ 25%
    • 78.15esr/91.2esr live @ 100% (final ESR78 release)
    • Fenix/Focus 93 live @ 25%
  • Desktop 94.0b1 live @ 25%, DevEdition live @ 100%
  • Fenix 94.0.0-beta.1 gtb hopefully later today

Release quality metrics (Tuesdays)

Desktop Stability


mc2 crash incidence (% of users experiencing a crash): 1.65% (-0.12pp compared to previous week) == back to normal level, crash rate (crashes/active hour for crashing profiles): 1.88 (+/-0)

mc1 crash rate: 5.90 crashes/1k usage hours (-0.13)


mc2 crash incidence: 1.03% (+0.01pp), crash rate: 1.82 (+0.01) - still for Gecko 93 branch

mc1 crash rate: N/A (start of new development cycle)

94.0b1 shipped today, not enough information on stability


mc2 crash incidence: 0.96% (+0.11pp), crash rate: 1.15 (-0.04)

mc1 crash rate: N/A (start of new development cycle)

Mobile Stability




Fx95 features - documentation and set up kick-off meetings

Aurora / Dev Edition


  • First round of regression testing is in progress and additional scope may be included based on our new testing strategy involving an analysis of uplifts with bugbug ui
  • Initial bug triage on Beta 94 bugs is in progress and it will be finalized until Oct 5 EOD


Action items

Feature Status Review

  • Firefox 94 Beta - Challenged
    • Fission Staged Rollout (0–100%) considered challenged by the team as there are still 9 MVP bugs to be completed. The will uplift these as they are fixed but none are considered hard blockers.
    • Immersive monochromatic themes can be enabled is now challenged (was at risk) as there are still a handful of QA identified bugs. The team feels confident they can resolve these issues and will uplift into beta. Product decisions that had this at risk have been made.
  • Firefox 95 Nightly
    • Working to build out feature list
    • We are moving our Feature tracking from Trello to Jira!

SUMO Report

Roundtable & Special Topics

  • (Ryan) Focus Nightly

Post-Mortem (Tues 2wks from GA Release)

  • Need to define the date for 93 (pascal on PTO the week of Oct 25)