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Channel Meeting Details

Video/Teleconference Details

  • Zoom Meeting ID: 536 097 768
These notes are read by people who weren't able to attend the meeting. Please make sure to include links and context so they can be understood.


tracy, telin, pascal, JR, Aryx, dsmith, clara, marcela, virginia, dveditz, RyanVM

Schedule Update

  • Desktop 93 at 100% since last Friday
  • No dot release planned yet for 93
  • Desktop/DevEdition 94.0b5 gtb today
  • Fenix 94.0.0-beta.2 live @ 100%, beta.3 gtb tomorrow or Thursday

Release quality metrics (Tuesdays)

Desktop Stability


mc2 crash incidence (% of users experiencing a crash): 1.83% (+0.18pp compared to previous week) == back to normal level, crash rate (crashes/active hour for crashing profiles): 2.19 (+0.31)

mc1 crash rate: 3.77 crashes/1k usage hours (-2.13) - good level, might be too good to last


mc2 crash incidence: 1.69% (+0.63pp), crash rate: 2.33 (+0.51)

mc1 crash rate: 3.49 (-3.34) compared to last week Thursday, trending back to normal levels after skew from version increase


mc2 crash incidence: 0.79% (-0.17pp), crash rate: 1.39 (+0.24)

mc1 crash rate: 2.02 (-2.43) compared to last week Thursday, trending back to normal levels after skew from version increase

Top crasher likely to be antivirus related, high but didn't explode after the full rollout

Mobile Stability




  • Nightly 95 - kick-offs, and start working on test plans and test cases


  • Beta 94 preliminary reports are in progress
    • Testing reports for macOS video playback, MSIX packaging and Monochromatic themes are all GREEN.
  • Full functional testing on Pro Client app is in progress
       * Coverage - Sprints 4 ->9 
  • Second round of regression testing is in progress and additional scope may be included based on uplifts triage with bugbugUI.

Aurora / Dev Edition


Action items

Feature Status Review

  • Firefox 94 Beta
    • 1 challenged feature remains. MR2 Immersive monochromatic themes can be enabled was expected to move to on track this week but some last minute scope additon around Win7 received a RED QA signoff. The team is attempting to bring Win7 back to GREEN but supporting that platform is optional and not a blocker for the rest of this work shipping in Fx94.
    • 🎣 Fission Staged Rollout (0–100%) has been moved to ON TRACK (Last week this was challenged). Only 6 MVP bugs remain ( Two of those are expected to uplift but the remaining bugs are not blockers.

SUMO Report

Roundtable & Special Topics

  • [telin]Please take a look at the Fx95 Nightly Release Mana page;
    • @Relman - how do you feel about working out of this mana page vs the current google docs?
    • @QA - Can I get a Jira query for all submitted Fx95 QA requests?
    • @SUMO @SEC et al - Is this useful to you in creating visibility around what's shipping? What other info would be interesting to you?

Post-Mortem (Tues 2wks from GA Release)

  • 93 post mortem on Nov 2, instead of regression triage meeting, ping pascal for an invite