Grow 2014

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Please read Quality and Impact and the Future of the Grow Program for information regarding the current and future state of the Grow Program.


The Grow Program will help Mozillians gain and improve their skills in leadership, collaboration, community building and contribution, all while helping to expand the Mozilla community and the work of the Project.

As you may know, the Grow Program is a revamp of the MozCamp programs of the past. However, Grow is a very different program that directly supports our “Enable Communities that have Impact” goal. The Grow program brings together core contributors to participate in learning and developing best practices for how to recruit, onboard and sustain new contributors. It is aimed at developing contribution skills for individuals, in order to share those skills with others so we can continue to increase the impact of our communities for the project and in the world.

The aim of the Grow Program is two-fold - first, we are aiming to grow and enhance the skills of our dedicated contributors with regards to their personal community building and evangelism skills. We will be working closely with chosen individuals through the rigorous program, both in general community building and within individual areas of expertise and interest. The second goal of the Grow Program is to scale the Mozilla Project in a meaningful way. Using the skills learned in the program, participants will be able to bring in highly engaged contributors into the project within their local communities, growing both their community and Mozilla as a whole.

Rebranding Process

Again, it is important to note, the Grow Program is the next evolution of the former MozCamp events. As MozCamp has developed and changed over the past year, we felt the name should also change to better reflect the new nature and goals of the program. The renaming process was a collaborative effort that involved discussions and feedback from many groups of Mozillians. The “Grow” name was developed based on feedback collected in a survey sent to members of the community as well as discussions around the goals and objectives for the evolution of MozCamp – it also aligns with the larger Community Building program, Grow Mozilla.

Program Planning

2014 Grow events are being planned by a cross-organizational core team consisting of Mozilla contributors, especially Reps and MoFo/MoCo staff.

The Planning wiki page has more information on Grow event planning for 2014.


Grow Tunisia


The first three-day event, Grow Tunisia, will take place in Tunis from Friday, September 26, through Sunday, September 28. Participants must be available to arrive on Thursday, September 25, and should plan to depart on Monday, September 29.

Grow Tunisia participants can expect three full days of intense, instructor-led training as well as challenging hands-on work. The curriculum will include community building skills such as event planning, recruitment and project planning. Additionally, participants will delve into specific contribution areas to sharpen those skills and think about how to invite others to join.

Once participants leave Grow Tunisia, they will work with a mentor and a team of fellow participants to grow our community of active contributors by recruiting at least 5 new active contributors,* reactivating 10 idle contributors or hosting at least 2 events. (*An “active” contributor is one who has completed one measurable contribution for their contribution area.)

Location and Dates

Location: Tunis, Tunisia, North Africa

Dates: Friday, 26-September through Sunday, 28-September, 2014. Attendees should plan to arrive on Thursday, 25-September and depart Monday, 29-September.

Important Links

Grow Tunisia Application to Attend

Apply to Attend

Criteria to Attend

Our goal is to gather a group of Mozillians that represents a wide spectrum of our key contribution areas. After discussions with the attendees of a Program Design Session, we came up with the following invitation criteria.

By applying to attend Grow Tunisia, you:


  • Agree to grow the quantity and quality of our communities by recruiting 5 new active Mozillians, reactivating 10 inactive Mozillians or hosting 2 training events (on- and/or offline) before the end of the year
  • Will engage in knowledge sharing (documentation, blogging, social media, etc.)
  • Agree to participate in the entire program, including the event, the development and implementation of a project plan after the event, and follow-ups such as completing surveys, checking in regularly with their project mentors and sharing their progress


  • Know the regional community well and act as a leader, communicating organizational goals, getting the community active and excited and recruiting and mentoring new contributors
  • Have experience with community building/mentoring


  • Have expertise in a specific contribution area or areas, with strong interest and experience onboarding, teaching and/or mentoring new active contributors
  • Are an active contributor with a key role in a pathway, one who can benefit from learning how to mentor and bring in new contributors


  • Must be over 18 years old to participate in events that involve international travel
  • Must be proficient in the primary language (in this case English)
  • Must be a resident of Europe, Africa or the Middle East

Invitation to Apply

If you feel you meet the above criteria, we invite you to apply to attend Grow Tunisia: Grow Tunisia Application to Attend


If your application is approved, you will receive an official invitation to Grow Tunisia by Monday, August 11, 2014.

If you have any questions or need additional information about applying to participate in this new program, please don’t hesitate to contact us on IRC in #Grow2014, Monday through Friday from 9 AM to 5 PM, Pacific Time.


Getting There


See Grow Tunisia FAQs here.

If you have any to add, please ping LMN in IRC #Grow2014.

General Sessions

Contribution Areas

Project Menu

Grow Buenos Aires

Location and Dates

Important Links


Getting There


General Sessions

Contribution Areas

Project Menu

Grow Kuala Lumpur

Location and Dates

Important Links


Getting There


General Sessions

Contribution Areas

Project Menu

Beta Event - India

Location and Dates

June 20 - June 22, 2014 in Bangalore, India
JW Marriott
24/1, Vittal Mallya Rd, Ashok Nagar, Bangalore, Karnataka 560001, India

Important Links

Project Menu

A growing, collaborative menu of projects, mainly event-types, that you can rip & remix as a way to take action in your own communities after the MozCamp.

Project Plan Template

A hackable planning template for preparing your project after Mozcamp. Use this in each of the Contribution Area sessions.

Add a link to your plan here!



MozCamp Beta is an experiment. This is the first time Mozilla is testing how to train contributors to bring in more contributors across the project.

This agenda was developed in collaboration with volunteer and paid contributors together with local community members to focus on building community and recruiting new contributors into specific pathways.

We're testing general sessions on storytelling and community building as well as breakout contribution area tracks.

Because MozCamp Beta is being held in India in anticipation of the launch of Mozilla's $25 smartphone, there's a special focus of this content on Firefox OS and engagement with the new phone. Firefox OS specific content is being developed specifically for the Indian region and this Beta event.

Most content however will be tested in India for future MozCamps, and iterated upon based on what we learn at the Beta and in subsequent results metrics and feedback.

Please join us this weekend with an open mind and experimental spirit. We are all learning!


Day Time Room Session
Friday, 20 June 09:00 – 22:00 Living Room Mozilla Exclusive Lounge
Friday, 20 June 13:00 - 17:00 Topaz Mozilla Appmaker / Hackathon
Friday, 20 June 19:30 - 23:00 Grand Ballroom Mozilla Welcome Dinner
Saturday, 21 June 09:30 - 11:15 Ballroom 1 Mozilla General Session: Storytelling, Mozilla Story, Firefox OS
Saturday, 21 June 11:15 - 11:30 Break
Saturday, 21 June 11:30 - 13:00 Ballroom 2 Community Building
Saturday, 21 June 13:00 - 13:05 Pool Group Photo
Saturday, 21 June 13:00 - 14:00 Ballroom 1 Lunch
Saturday, 21 June 14:00 - 17:00 Ballroom 2 Engagement
Saturday, 21 June 14:00 - 17:00 Sapphire Developer Relations
Saturday, 21 June 14:00 - 17:00 Quartz SUMO
Saturday, 21 June 14:00 - 17:00 Topaz User Centered Design
Saturday, 21 June 17:00 - 18:00 Registration/Lounge Area BOF's
Saturday, 21 June 18:00 - 20:00 Ballroom 1 Mozilla Dinner
Sunday, 22 June 07:30 - 9:00 Breakfast Lounge
Sunday, 22 June 09:00 - 10:30 Ballroom 1 Open Sessions
Sunday, 22 June 10:30 - 10:45 Break
Sunday, 22 June 10:45 - 14:00 Ballroom 1 Engagement
Sunday, 22 June 10:45 - 14:00 Sapphire Developer Relations
Sunday, 22 June 10:45 - 14:00 Quartz SUMO
Sunday, 22 June 10:45 - 14:00 Topaz User Centered Design
Sunday, 22 June 14:00-14:15 Break
Sunday, 22 June 14:15 - 15:00 Ballroom 1 Mozilla General Session
Sunday, 22 June 15:15 - 16:15 Ballroom 1 Optional Debrief

Day 1: Friday

Appmaker Workshop

Day 2: Saturday

General Sessions

MozStrategy and Getting Here
  • Description: Overview of Mozilla's strategic goals, progress since summit, and challenges ahead.
  • Presenter: Mary Ellen Muckerman
  • CBT Partner: NA
  • Session Type: General
  • Teaching Kit/Outline: XXX
  • Wiki Section:
  • Format: Presentation and videos

Community Building


Contribution Area Parallel Tracks

Developer Outreach
User Centered Design

Wrap Up and Dinner

Day 3: Sunday


Open Session with Breakouts

  • Description: Open hacking time, with two planned events an action planning workshop a series of community lightning talks.
  • Presenter: Larissa Shapiro with community members
  • Teaching Kit/outline: n/a
  • Wiki Section: XXX


Contribution Area Parallel Tracks

Repeat all four Contribution Area tracks from Saturday: Engagement, SUMO, Developer Relations, and User Centered Design. (see above).


Storytelling and Where from Here

Debrief (Optional)

  • Description: For those who can stay, we’ll be debriefing MozCamp face to face while it’s still fresh (though all attendees and contributors will be asked to give feedback in the form of a survey).
  • Project planning has been woven throughout the entire MozCamp program. The project planning program will continue after MozCamp as well, in the form of ongoing support, check-ins, and an action impact tracking system.
  • Presenter: Caneel Joyce and Michelle Thorne
  • Session Type: General
  • Teaching Kit/outline: (outline)
  • Project planning system info:

Getting There

Please find information on travel logistics and other helpful in-country information for MozCamp Beta - India here.


See MozCamp 2014 FAQs here.

If you have any to add, please ping lmn in IRC #MozCamp2014.

General Sessions

Webmaking with Appmaker

  • Goal: By the end of the session, participants will be able to:
    • Contribute to Appmaker. Skill: learn the tools.
    • Co-design future Appmaker tool as a web literacy vehicle for Firefox OS. Skill: curriculm/content contributions
    • Learn how to throw an event to teach/use Appmaker. Skill: teaching methods
  • Facilitators:
    • Bobby Ritcher - staff lead facilitator bringing this content to the event
    • Amira Dhalla - co-facilitator
    • Michelle Thorne - co-facilitator
    • Gauthamraj Elango - community member co-leading the event
    • Ankit Gadgil - community member co-leading the event
    • Vikas Burri - community member co-leading the event
    • Biraj Karmakar - community member co-leading the event
  • Agenda:

Moz Strategy

Firefox OS


The goal of this session is to collaborate on crafting personally meaningful and engaging stories about Mozilla, to enable each participant to confidently describe Mozilla and it's mission to anybody (regardless of familiarity with the web!). We'll build a story in a game activity throughout the course of the weekend, answering:

1. Mozilla is...

2. Here's how I first got involved....

3. If this is interesting to you, here's how you can get involved too....

Community Building for All

  • Goal: At the end of this session, participants will be able to:
    • Recruit based on the mission.
    • Understand local case studies for community building
    • Use a menu of actions that they can use in their local communities after the training event.
  • Facilitators: (in progress)
    • Larissa Shapiro - Community builder
    • William Quiviger - Community builder
    • Michelle Thorne - Community builder
    • Vineel Reddy - Community builder
    • Amira Dhalla - Case Study, Maker Party
    • Gauthamraj Elango - Case Study, Maker Party
    • Vikas Burri - Case Study, Maker Party
    • Kaustav Das Modak - Case Study, FirefoxOS AppDay
    • Sayak Sarkar - Case Study, FirefoxOS AppDay
    • Faisal Aziz - Case Study, FirefoxOS AppDay
    • Galaxy Kadiyala - Case Study, Geolocation
    • Soumya Deb - Case Study, Geolocation
    • Priyanka Nag - Case Study, Mozcafe
    • Ankit Gadgil - Case Study, Mozcafe
  • Agenda:

Contribution Areas

A "CA Track" (in the agenda image above) refers to "Contribution Area" track.

At MozCamp Beta - India, we are testing four of the ~10 CA (tied to our community pathways). Each runs twice: once Saturday, and once Sunday. So each attendee gets to participate in two different CA tracks. The goal of each track is to focus on building community and recruiting new participants, with a focus (for all but User Centered Design) on Firefox OS.


(all attendees will to to this track, plus one other of their choosing)
Goal: Recruiting community for $25 phone launch and thinking through the Mobilizers program for India's smartphone distribution model
Owners: Brian King, Jessica Osorio and William Quiviger
Toolkit: (WIP)


Goal: Develop localized support docs and forum responses to support phone launch
Owner: Ralph Daub

User Centered Design

(User Research + UX Design)
Goal: Build a local user centered design community to collect on-the-ground observational data, localize surveys, and identify top-potential contributors to receive special training and badges to support new product development through developing cultural insights and need finding
Owner: Bill Selman Workshop Program: UCD Mozcamp Workshop

Developer Outreach

(Developer Relations / MDN)
Goal: This session will teach community members how to approach and talk to developers about Firefox OS so that the developers want to create apps for this platform, and want to help other developers do the same.
Owner: Frédéric Harper

Project Menu

Here is a curated menu of projects, mainly event-types, that participants can rip & remix as a way to take action in their own communities after the MozCamp.

Maker Party

FirefoxOS App Day

GeoLocation (online event)

MDN Evangelism Training



The diagram below shows the structure of this content. (time outdated)

MozCamp Beta - India Agenda

Blog post
