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Meeting Details

  • Time and location: Wednesday, 8 AM PST, conf bridge 206
  • irc.mozilla.org #l10n-drivers for back-channel

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Previous Action Items


Meeting Notes

  • Notetaker:
  • Attendees: Peiying, Pike, Pascal, Chris, stas
  • Put your talking points here.
  • state of mozilla
    • propose a shortened version for l10n

Action Items


Project updates


  • State of Mozilla 2012 coming as a series of videos, that will make l10n nearly impossible unless we have somebody spending a major time investment in localizing this on Amara this quarter
  • New set of Firefox pages coming to replace old ones
  • Specific Whatsnew page for Polish for Firefox 25 promoting Firefox OS, same for hungarian with firefox 26
  • pt-BR team caught up with the 200 strings they were behind
  • a bit more content translated on Locamotion this week
  • page indicator proposing to switch to a localized version of an English page if it exists coming soon (courtesy of Kohei Yoshino)
  • 44 locales have the home page (and most of the key pages) translated, that's close to 94% coverage of our user base
  • Masterfirefoxos.com: implementation of feedback from de, hu, el, sr by an agency; internal video production with audio dubbing; merging of videos with web for final l10n review.


  • Coordinate bug 918464 fix that involves many locales
  • Continue monitoring l10n status of 1.1 locales
  • Start discussion on Langpac impact on Marketplace




  • localization run for 1.2 started Monday. Next round on 11/4
  • 3 contributors on board for l10n testing of Firefox OS
  • Phones sent out to localizers for localization and testing purposes
  • Update of the b2g Planning wiki (ongoing)

Other engagement projects

  • one new engagement project coming with a deadline of November 2 for the first part, November 12 for the secon part, the content is not written, the scope is fuzzy.
  • CTA buttons in key 1.1 locales: l10n and review; to be done in a week or so
  • Two videos on dynamic phone: text l10n and subtitling in 3 locales; localization complete; to review the assembled videos when completed; deadline unclear.



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