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Meeting Details

  • Time and location: Wednesday, 8 AM PST, conf bridge 206
  • irc.mozilla.org #l10n-drivers for back-channel

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Previous Action Items


Meeting Notes

  • Notetaker:
  • Attendees:
  • Put your talking points here.

Action Items


Project updates


  • Firefox 25 released with a whatsnew page activated only for Polish that promotes Firefox OS https://www.mozilla.org/pl/firefox/25.0/whatsnew/
  • We are now at close to 50 locales with home page, + key pages + download process entirely localized (that covers about 96% of our l10n user base for Firefox). I'd say we are now mostly in the same state as we were before the migration to bedrock and the merging of many of our sites under the mozilla.org domain name, next step is to have the 40 small lagging locales lagging catching up + expanding the content coverage at a reasonable pace to allow us to grow without loosing locales. Adding new locales is hard though.
  • Lightbeam pages being prepared for l10n by Nukeador (but the extension is not localized)





  • 1st half of Loc Run v1.2 last week, next half next week
  • Locales covered last week:
    • Italian - 100%
    • Polish - 100%
    • Czech - 100%
    • Dutch - 100%
    • Russian - 100%
    • Greek - 100%
    • Slovak - 100%
    • Catalan - 100%
    • Croatian - 100%
    • German - 97%
    • zh-TW/ Chinese (Traditional) - 53%
    • Hungarian - 35%
  • Some keyboards still missing/incomplete (koi+ed). Highlighting this this week so it gets resolved asap. Seems to be more general issues with keyboards lately (non l10n related)
  • Text / truncation issues being taken care of by localizers and lot's of help from UX team

Other engagement projects

  • Received some data from marketing project yesterday (event partnership), to be done in 3 languages for next week. Update: cancelled



Tools / L20n


Grow Mozilla