Auto-tools/Automation Development

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!!! OUTDATED: Please be aware that the Automation Development team has been transitioned into Mozilla QA. Therefore the new team page can be found at !!!

What is our Goal?

The Automation Development Crew seeks to improve Mozilla product quality by directly crafting automated tests as well as by teaching others to craft these tests and by creating an environment in which the skills of automated test writing can be practiced and honed.

Every one of us is part of the ultimate reservoir of automation knowledge. That means that we will always have an answer for your automation requests, whether those would apply to already existing test harnesses or necessary new ones. This page will give you information about our current projects and activities.

If you have questions stop by and talk to us in the #automation IRC channel (logs from channel) or by subscribing to our automation mailing list or newsgroup.

Currently we are covering the following harnesses:

Test Harness Description
Mozmill A harness for automating Gecko based applications from Firefox to Thunderbird.
Selenium A web browser automation framework controlling the content render-able part of the browser.
Marionette An automation driver (UI or internal JS) for Boot2Gecko and Firefox desktop.

Meetings / Events

We have a public team meeting in irregular intervals. If you want to join the meetings, please check the meetings page for details.

Any event, members of our group will participating in, can also be seen in our team calendar on Google. Subscribe yourself to the calendar if you want to stay up-to-date with our activities.


The automation development team is a group of passionate and open minded people working on automation. We are spread around the world, but we have one collective goal to empower automation even more in the Mozilla project. If you want to get in contact with one of us please check the table below for more information.

Photo Name Location IRC
Henrik skupin.jpg
Henrik Skupin

Germany whimboo

#automation #mozmill #qa

Dave Hunt

United Kingdom davehunt

#ateam #automation #mozmill #qa #mozwebqa

Rob Wood

Canada rwood

#automation #ateam

Andreea Matei.jpg
Andreea Matei

Romania AndreeaMatei

#automation #ateam #mozmill #mozwebqa #qa

Andrei Eftimie

Romania andrei_eftimie

#automation #ateam #mozmill #firefox #qa


Some of our projects can be accomplished in a short time while others will take longer, even several months. The prioritized projects reflect the most important projects in the current quarter and include the appropriate tasks which have to be fulfilled during that time. Other active projects have lower priority.

If you are interested in already finished projects, check our projects archive. We also have a some projects that we would like to do in the future!

Firefox UI Tests

Project Technologies Description
Firefox UI Tests Python, Javascript
Dashboard Javascript, HTML, CSS, AJAX, CouchDB Dashboard to visualize Mozmill test results from the automated test-runs and the Mozmill Crowd extension
Shared Modules Javascript Building and enhancing the API and shared modules for our Mozmill tests for Firefox

Other Projects

Project Technologies Description
Automation Training - Provide automation training to larger community through 4 automation training events
Add-ons CSS, Javascript, XML To help any team in the Mozilla project we work on several extensions.
Documentation Wiki Establish the team presence across websites (Wiki, MDN) and improve the documentation to increase collaboration with the test automation community
Infrastructure Puppet Building up and maintaining the infrastructure for automation tasks
Open Web Applications Javascript, Python Implemention of necessary APIs and support the addition of tests to execute automated tests for web apps in Firefox
TPS Javascript, Python Testing and Profiling tool for Sync
MTBF Javascript, Python, Bash Stability testing tool