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Fennec Test Strategy

The goal of this Overall Test Plan is to lay out our testing strategy, communicate it to others, and track the status.

All of our releases are tested off of the "Fennec 2.0 Catch-All Test Run" on the Litmus TCM.

For more information about Fennec 2.0, take a look at the mobile team's Feature Planning page

Current Blocking Bugs List

Devices Supported

Device OS Manufacturer Keyboard GPS Camera Rotate Resolution
Nokia N900 Maemo Nokia Slide Out Yes Yes Yes 480x800
Nexus One Android Google None Yes Yes Yes 800x480
Droid Android Motorola Yes Yes Yes Yes 800x480
Desire Android HTC Yes Yes Yes Yes 800x480
Droid Incredible Android HTC Yes Yes Yes Yes 800x480
HTC Desire Android HTC No Yes Yes Yes 800x480

Build Location

Fennec 2.0 is currently built from trunk (mozilla-central) as well as the front end mobile-browser repositories. Nightly builds for all platforms are located at:

Releases Tested

Test Areas

General Test Areas

Status Action to Take
Testcases Added
  • Begin doing nightly runs of the BFT
  • Add testcases to Litmus
  • Begin filing/verifying bugs
Dev Started
  • Contact the developer
  • Build the Test Plan
Not Landed/Backed Out
  • Stay in a holding pattern

Platform (P1's)

Feature Area and Spec Unit Testcases Needed/Added QA Contact Dev Contact Links
e10s Yes mw22 Test Plan
Layers Yes mw22/aaronmt
Power Mgmt Yes/No mw22

P1 (must have's)

Feature Area and Spec Litmus Testcases Needed/Added QA Contact Dev Contact Links
Android Updater Yes/Yes nhirata blassey, apakhotin Test Plan
Multitouch Yes/No aakashd mbrubeck Test Plan
Virtual Keyboard Yes/Yes nhirata jchen Test Plan
Android Chrome Theme Yes/No AaronMT madhava, martell
Weave Sync Integration Yes/Yes tchung mfinkle Test Plan
Platform integration (notification systems, back button, helper apps) Yes/No ashah bunch of people
RTL Support Yes/Yes nhirata vingtetun Test Plan
Page Interactions Yes/No aakashd vingtetun, mfinkle
Awesome Screen Redesign Yes/No AaronMT vingtetun Test Plan

P2 (should have's)

Feature Area and Spec Litmus Testcases Needed/Added QA Contact Dev Contact Links
Find In Page Yes/Yes vlad vingtetun Test Plan
Sharing Yes/Yes tchung mbrubeck Test Plan
Feedback and Help Yes/Yes nhirata mfinkle Test Plan
UI Transitions/Animations No/No aakashd
Basic RSS Support Yes/No nhirata jmientenin Test Plan
Scrolling Indicators Yes/No aakashd mfinkle Test Plan
Camera UI Yes/No vlad
Contacts Integration Yes/No tchung mfinkle Test Plan
Reflow on Zoom Yes/No mw22 mbrubeck Test Plan
Form Assistant Refresh Yes/Yes aakashd vingtetun Test Plan

P3 (nice to have's)

Feature Area and Spec Litmus Testcases Needed/Added QA Contact Dev Contact Links
Long-Tap Support Yes/No nhirata Test Plan
Session Restore Yes/Yes tchung mfinkle
Make logging into websites easier Yes/No tchung
Better error pages Yes/No aakashd stechz
Mobilize our messages/dialogs Yes/No mw22
Basic Webapp Support No tchung fabrice


QA is undertaking the task of porting the unit tests from Firefox to Fennec for each platform. This is a lengthy task, but our goal is to have 100% unit tests passing by the 2.0 ship.

We have created a tracking system for the unit tests which we update on a regular basis.