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Fennec 4.0 Beta 4 Test Results

The covered testing for this release will focus on smoketests, verifications and updates. For a list of new features coming in for Fennec 4.0, take a look at the Mobile Planning Page and for test coverage, look at our test plan.

Project contacts

PM: Stuart Parmenter (stuart)
Build: John O'duinn (oduinn)
QA: Aakash Desai (aakashd)


Code Freeze
Builds hand to QA
QA test signoff

Build Location and IDs

  1. Go to the candidates folder in our ftp folders
  2. Go to the "4.0b4-candidates" folder
  3. Download the candidate:
    • For the n900, install the application catalog and update to the candidate build via your device App Manager.
    • For Android, download and install the actual build over any other instance

Test Coverage


Lite verification tests (or smoketests) will be first run when the builds are ready. Tests are available on litmus under the Fennec 2.0 Test Suite. In any case of failure in any Smoketest, blockers need to be raised ASAP before proceeding to the BFTs.

Please record your detailed results in the "Detailed Test Results" section below.

BFTs for 2.0 Features

BFTs are a more comprehensive set of litmus tests that cover functional testing of features that have landed on Fennec 2.0. Tests are available on litmus under the Fennec 2.0 Test Suite.

Please record your detailed results in the "Detailed Test Results" section below.

Here are the BFT's that need to be run:

  • Panning & Zooming (Screen Navigation)
  • Form Assistant
  • Sync

OS Integration

The Operating System Integration testsuite is a set of tests that target how Fennec works with the platform (i.e. Android, Maemo, etc.) and features of the device itself (i.e. Orientation, hard keyboard, soft keyboard, etc.). Tests are available on litmus under the Fennec 2.0 Test Suite under the "OS Integration Tests" testgroup.

Please record your detailed results in the "Detailed Test Results" section below.

Fixed Bugs Verifications

The following link contains a list of bugs that are fixed for beta 3 and need verifications:

L10n Checks

We don't have coverage of localized builds until the candidate builds are available, so we'll need to run through the tests within the Fennec 2.0 String Guide on the following locales:

  • German
  • Finnish
  • French


Test the update path for the released builds only, not the nightlies. (eg. 1.1->4.0b4 (maemo only), 4.0b1->4.0b3, and 4.0b3->4.0b4)

Fennec 2.0 Beta 3 can be downloaded from the Mozilla Beta Catalog.

Updates tests to perform for each build

Test Results

Types of Tests Maemo Android
  • ahoza - Done
  • Ioana - Done
  • ahoza - Done
  • Ioana - Done
OS Integration
  • ashah - Done
  • aakashd - Done
  • ahoza - Done
  • AaronMT - Done
  • ahoza - Done
  • martijn - result
  • nhirata - result
  • AaronMT - Done

Detailed Test Results

Smoketests Results

HTC Desire [ioana]

  • Build: Mozilla/5.0 (Android;Linux armv71; rv:2.0b11pre)Gecko/20110126 Firefox/4.0b11pre Fennec/4.0b4pre
  • Results: PASS
  • Notes:
    • no new issues
    • update notification appears with the property app.partner.test = test (no build other than 4.0b3 build 3 can be installed (i've tried with build 2.0b3, 4.01 - all builds, 4.02- all builds, 4.03 -all builds except build 3))
    • update notification appears but does not download the build
    • known bugs:
      • bug 609315 - Strip of graphical corruption at bottom of tab-thumbnail, for blank / near-blank pages preview
      • bug 628269 - Pages are zoomed in at reload
      • bug 628660 - Ghost tabs appear when pressing return in a text box -> here reproducible at opening pages in new tabs
      • bug 628639 - Broken Updates on nightly build 01/25/2011 -notification appears but does not download the build

n900 [ahoza]

  • Build: Mozilla/5.0 (Maemo;Linux armv7l;rv:2.0b11pre)Gecko/20110126 Firefox/4.0b11pre Fennec /4.0b4pre
  • Results: Pass
  • Notes:
    • Known bugs:
      • bug 611294 - After sharing a page using Facebook, the browser returns to the shared page.
      • bug 626360 - Text entered in login fields is not visible while using "Share page"/ "Share link" functionality

BFT Results

HTC Desire [ioana]

  • Build: Mozilla/5.0 (Android;Linux armv71; rv:2.0b11pre)Gecko/20110126 Firefox/4.0b11pre Fennec/4.0b4pre
  • Results: PASS
  • Notes:
    • no new issues
    • known bugs:
      • bug 610344 - Black filled text fields on Gmail login page
      • bug 606466 - Unnecessary ">" button in form autocomplete suggestions list
      • bug 610675 - Form fill options for combobox doesn't re-size after the VKB (fixed as WFM)

n900 [ahoza]

  • Build: Mozilla/5.0 (Maemo;Linux armv7l;rv:2.0b11pre)Gecko/20110126 Firefox/4.0b11pre Fennec /4.0b4pre
  • Results: Fail
  • Notes:
    • Form assistant
      • Known bugs:
        • bug 606466- Unnecessary ">" button in form autocomplete suggestions list
    • Sync
      • no issues found
    • Panning&Zooming
      • Browser checkerboards everytime one pans up/down, zooms out. This gives a poor user experience.
      • Known bugs:
        • bug 607777 - Make a good metric for checkerboarding
      • New bugs:
        • bug 629336- Bad checkerboarding in Advanced search form on

OS Integration Results

Sansumg Vibrant [aakashd]

  • Build: Mozilla/5.0 (Android; Linux armv7l; rv:2.0b11pre) Gecko/20110126 Firefox/4.0b11pre Fennec/4.0b4 ID:20110126160730
  • Results: Pass
  • Notes:
    • Filed bug 629434 - controls panel does not go to browser window when starting a page load from another app
    • Reproduced bug 629379#c4 - Start page (and other internal pages) pan to the left
    • Filed bug 629445 - "Return" button on VKB does not dismiss landscape keyboard

n900 [ashah]

  • Build: Mozilla/5.0 (Maemo;Linux armv7l;rv:2.0b11pre)Gecko/20110126 Firefox/4.0b11pre Fennec /4.0b4
  • Results: Pass
  • Notes:
    • No New bugs.
    • bug 602882 - Directional pad up/down arrows not working in about:config
    • bug 619679 - Dismissing the virtual keyboard causes the top bar with "All pages", "Bookmarks" and "History" to disappear.

L10n Results

HTC Google Nexus One [AaronMT]

  • Build: Mozilla/5.0 (Android; Linux armv7l; rv:2.0b11pre) Gecko/20110126 Firefox/4.0b11pre Fennec/4.0b4
  • Results: Pass

n900 [ahoza]

  • Build: Mozilla/5.0 (Maemo;Linux armv7l;rv:2.0b11pre)Gecko/20110126 Firefox/4.0b11pre Fennec /4.0b4pre
  • Results: Pass
  • Notes:
    • single locale builds are busted on launch - bug 605411
    • German localization
      • in about:firstrun, 'Sync Up' panel is larger than 'Customize' and 'Browse' panels
      • when visiting, before getting network error page (Litmus TestCase), the following dialog is displayed.

Updates Results

Motorola Droid 2 [nhirata]

  • Build:
  • Results: result
  • Notes:

Nexus One [AaronMT]

  • Build: Mozilla/5.0 (Android; Linux armv7l; rv:2.0b11pre) Gecko/20110126 Firefox/4.0b11pre Fennec/4.0b4
  • Results: Pass
  • Notes:
    • bug 629369 - Can't install older Fennec 4 beta builds - 'no signatures that match those in shared user org.mozilla.sharedID'

n900 [ahoza]

  • Build: Mozilla/5.0 (Maemo;Linux armv7l;rv:2.0b11pre)Gecko/20110126 Firefox/4.0b11pre Fennec /4.0b4pre
  • Results: Fail
  • Notes:
    • While updating from 1.1 to b4 profile gets corrupted - bug 629303
    • "Check For Updates" button in about:firefox is not working. Known issue - bug 605265. It would be nice to have that button removed, if it won't work.

n900 [martijn]

  • Build: Mozilla/5.0 (Maemo;Linux armv7l;rv:2.0b11pre)Gecko/20110126 Firefox/4.0b11pre Fennec /4.0b4pre
  • Results: Fail
  • Notes: