Reps/Structure Governance

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Warning signWarning: With effect from 1st September 2023, the Mozilla Reps program was closed and activities ended.

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The Mozilla Reps governance structure is broken down into 3 bodies, each with specific duties and functions. Aligning with Mozilla Governance structure we also have a Module with Owner and Peers

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The Mozilla Reps Council is the program's 9-member governing body and its members are elected. The Council is tasked to ensure that the Mozilla Reps program runs smoothly, oversees the governance and finances of the program and serves as an advisory body within the Mozilla organisation.

Comprised of 7 Mozilla Reps and 2 Mozilla paid-staff, the Mozilla Reps Council has the following duties and functions:

  • provide governance and support structure to assist Mozilla Reps worldwide
  • oversee global activities
  • oversee global budget management for events and swag
  • oversee nomination and election process for mentors
  • resolve disputes
  • help provide guidance and inspiration for Mozilla Reps
  • serve as advisors in strategic decision making at the organizational level

Learn more about the Council here.


Mozilla Rep mentors play a crucial part in the success of the program. The Mentor's role is one of support. This involves a number of responsibilities, such as guiding new Reps within the Program, offering advice and encouragement to their mentees and supporting them in staying active and engaged withing the Reps Program.

They are responsible for:

  • Providing guidance to Reps
  • Serve as a coach dedicated to their mentee's personal development in the program
  • Supporting the progress of their mentees and being their key contact person
  • Organize regular coaching sessions with their mentees

Learn more about mentors here

Mozilla Reps

Reps are deeply passionate Mozillians who represent Mozilla in their country or region and are committed to educating and empowering people to support the Mozilla mission and contribute to the project. As Reps, they are the eyes, ears and voice of Mozilla on the ground and support their local communities with a specific set of tools and resources they are equipped with.

  • Organize or participate in Mozilla community events
  • Represent Mozilla at conferences and speak on Mozilla’s behalf
  • Manage local PR relations
  • Mentorship --> lead local training workshops
  • Communicate, blog and document all activities
  • Liaise regularly with Mozilla project teams

NB: in the initial phase of the Mozilla Reps program, members of the provisional council were designated by the ReMo project leads (William and Pierros) based on a specific different criteria, notably on geographic location and on the member's level of participation in early brainstorms of the program. Now that the Mozilla Reps has reached mature stage, an election/designation or rotation system has been introduced to select the next members of the Mozilla Reps Council, going forward.

Mozilla Reps Module

Module Owner

Role The "module owner" is the person to whom leadership of the module's work has been delegated. Module owner is not a tyrant. He/she is chartered to make decisions with input from the community and in the best interests of the community. The owner and peers of the Module Ownership module will get involved if controversy develops and cannot be resolved otherwise. Mozilla Reps specific roles include:

  • Holding the Mozilla Reps Council accountable for their actions.
  • Provide historical background on issues and decisions to the council.
  • Appointing Peers, making sure that historical councils are represented to the extend possible.
  • Being the point person for general questions/concerns about about the program as a whole and how it fits within the Mozilla project.
  • Criteria and selection: see here

Module Peers

RolePeers possess many of the qualities of a good module owner and compliment and advise his/her actions see here for more details

  • Criteria and selection: see here

Communication between Module Owner/Peers and Council

Module Owner and Peers might need (or be asked) to communicate with Reps Council. The following guidelines apply:

  • The Council can request Module Owner/Peers opinion, intervention, action or feedback on a particular issue. This should be done by either explicitly mentioning @peers on reps-council alias or list, or by sending an email to
  • Module Owner and Peers are monitoring all council (and reps) communications and might want to intervene to provide guidance or for conflict resolution.

Beyond the Mozilla Reps Program

Mozilla Reps Council members are, by definition, experienced and accomplished Mozilla volunteers who have a deep commitment to the project. As such, the Mozilla Reps Council should logically participate in strategic decision-making within the organization to represent the interests of regional volunteer communities at large.