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Current Release Schedules
Thunderbird 3.2 Thunderbird 3.1.3 Thunderbird 3.0.7
To Be Announced
  • Relbranch opens: July 30
  • Code freeze: Aug 20 @ 23:59 PDT
  • L10n freeze: Aug 24 @ 23:59 PDT
  • Builds start: Aug 24
  • QA with builds start: Aug 25
  • Beta period starts: Aug 27
  • Final release: Sept 7
  • Relbranch opens: July 30
  • Code freeze: Aug 20 @ 23:59 PDT
  • L10n freeze: Aug 24 @ 23:59 PDT
  • Builds start: Aug 24
  • QA with builds start: Aug 25
  • Beta period starts: Aug 27
  • Final release: Sept 7

Thunderbird Meeting Details :

Remember to press *1 to unmute yourself before talking!


Action Items

Friends of the Tree

Thanks to our Friends of the Tree When adding someone to this section, please get their T-Shirt size and send it to so that he can send them a shirt!

  • Ben Bucksch for his work in automatic account configuration.

Conversion Funnel (Priority 0 side project)

Thunderbird Development

Feature Work

  • Account Provisioning.
  • Pluggable Mailstore.
    • About 50% done, and basically usable.
    • Got move/copy working with pluggable stores.
    • Worked on getting more unit tests to pass with pluggable stores. First 30 or 40 tests pass; fixed bugs that caused several tests to fail.



  • Flags now set up
  • 3.2 Branch on hold until account provisioning schedule is clearer.
    • Will bump trunk to 3.3a1pre in the meantime to reflect bugzilla flags.

Trunk Development

Thunderbird Stability & Security Releases

  • Bug Lists: 3.1, 3.0
  • 3.0.7 and 3.1.3 now out on beta channels.
Major updates to 3.1
  • Now have more users on Thunderbird 3.1 than any other major versions.
  • Thunderbird 3.0 updates being offered for all update requests.
  • Increased rate of offers for 2.0.0.x users.

QA Updates

Marketing Updates

IT update

  • TryServer up-to-date (lots of new features)
  • SpreadThunderbird significant backend upgrades



  1. # of support issues on GS is up 20% from last week, starting to see a major update spike
  2. 3.1 Support Issues - top major upgrade issues: auto-config manual override, inbox or mailboxes missing usually due to anti-virus or ":" in name or name having the string"Inbox", cannot send or receive email usually due to anti-virus, cannot connect; only real new issue seems to be isSmartFolder exception which causes messages not to appear - isSmartFolder exception GS - fix is in 3.1.3
  3. great progress made in MoMo Support Dashboard side project, code by protz based on my non working :-) code (thanks!) active5.html work in progress, will add auto-refresh every 20 minutes and add following to the dashboard:last 5 created, last 5 updated, top 5 email providers, top 5 contributors; dashboard coding help wanted, email roland AT
  4. See this week's Support Appendix for full Get Satisfaction metrics and other support details -

Lightning Updates

Nothing much new this week

  • Fixed a few bugs
  • Symbols are working
  • Tryserver Calendar works with a patch, will blog about it soon.

Status updates

See the Mozilla Status Board for status updates specific to developers.

Roundtable Highlights


bienvenu standard8 roland ludovic gozer wsmwk