Websites/Taskforce/2010 09 23

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Meeting Details

  • Meeting time: Thursday, September 23 at 10 AM pacific
  • Dial-in information: 1-800-707-2533, pin: 369, conf: 7600
  • Meeting room in MV: Warp Core
  • Back channel:

Timing for Proposals

To make sure we're able to have room for each proposal on the agenda, we suggest capping discussion at 15 minutes per proposal. If this doesn't turn out to be enough time we can revisit and either make meetings longer, meet more often or have fewer proposals at each meeting.

Proposals for Discussion

If you are presenting a proposal, please create a page and add it to the Proposals list and link to it from here.

Other Proposal Suggestions

Feel free to add other proposal suggestions for consideration for future meetings here.

Meeting Notes