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Official is here : see also Summit2010/Schedule

Wednesday, November 3

Time Venue: MACBA Atrium
18:00 – 20:30 On-Site Registration
20:30 - 23:00
Opening Reception
20:30 – 21:00 Keynote: Joi Ito, Creative Commons
21:00 – 23:00 Science Fair and Cocktails

Thursday, November 4

See also: Program Activities Wiki and Festival Space Map

|style="font-size:11px; text-align:left; padding:6px;" cellpadding=5| 09:30– 10:20

|style="font-size:11px; text-align:left; padding:6px;" cellpadding=5| 12:20– 14:00

|style="font-size:11px; text-align:left; padding:6px;" cellpadding=5| 18:00– 19:00

|style="font-size:11px; text-align:left; padding:6px;" cellpadding=5| 19:00– 20:30

Main Hall
Local Learning
 Badge Lab
Open Content
Peer Learning
Video Lab
Wiki Lounge 
Drumbeat Festival and you! A how-to guide in 10 acts.
Plus Mitchell Baker and Cathy Davidson mini-keynotes.

10:30– 11:20 Rethink Reading and Remake Libraries #1 The Ideas and Values of Web Craft Badges, badges, everywhere! Intro to badges and learning. Build, Make, Learn in the Hackbus and Hackerspace Playground Textbook Sprint: Intro to Tools Educating your users Open Video in Education - a survey of the possible Storming the Cloud/Crowd Wikipedia in Education 101 -- Projects & Principles & more.
11:20– 11:30 Coffee Break
11:30– 12:20 Free Software Masters Degree: Part 1 Make an open web learning widget #1 The State of Web Education Badges for open learning on the web. Graffiti Markup Language - Demo and Workshop Textbook Sprint: Intro to Tools cont Encourage Content Reuse: Educate your users! Skills lab - learn what you need to hack open video Storming the Cloud/Crowd Wiki brainstorm: finding wiki projects at Drumbeat.
Lunch Break

14:00– 14:50 Wikiotics language lesson assembly studio Part 1 City Walkshop intro and departure (what do we want to achieve) Shape the Webcraft Skills Map What's in your badge? Arduino, Processing, and Fantasia Pathways to Open Content Building a School of Copyright and Creative Commons brainstorming I - How can open video make education better Storming the Syllabus MediaWiki Hackathon I: Basic tutorial, extensions InvenTV
14:50– 15:00 Coffee Break
15:00– 15:50 Graphical teaching Make an open web learning widget #2 The Web Craft Guild Badges, learning and online identity: design jam Build, Make, Learn in the Hackbus and Hackerspace Playground Global Course Catalog DeCal (links/info needed) brainstorming II- user stories for Open Video in education Storming the Syllabus Hacking MediaWiki II: design, usability PercussionLab
15:50– 16:00 Coffee Break
16:00– 16:50 Free Software Masters Degree: Part 2 Rethink Reading and Remake Libraries #2 Teaching Accessibility - values and skills Arduino, Xbee, Bicycles and the Open Web The Next Big Thing Build your own Personal Learning Environment wireframing I - Rapid Prototype workshop with Firefox team Storming the Syllabus Collaborating on class content: public policy and Wikieducator case studies KDE educational tool ecosystem
17:00– 17:50 Setup City Walkshop arrival and final discussion (what have we found and next steps) [joint session w/ Badge Lab] School of Webcraft badges: a use case Build, Make, Learn in the Hackbus and Hackerspace Playground Open Mic! RoadtripNation wireframing II- Prototyping an open video tool for educators Calm After the Storm: Yoga for Hacktivists Adding Video to Wikipedia (with subtitles!)
Education is changing before our eyes (because we're changing it)!
Keynotes: Cathy Casserly, Massimo Banzi and Anna Debenham

Reception and networking

Friday, November 5

See also: Program Activities Wikiand Festival Space Map

|style="font-size:11px; text-align:left; padding:6px;" cellpadding=5| 12:30– 14:00

|style="font-size:11px; text-align:left; padding:6px;" cellpadding=5| 09:30– 10:20

Main Hall
Local Learning
 Badge Lab
Open Content
Peer Learning
Video Lab
Wiki Lounge 
  9:30– 10:20 Best of Day One Lightning Talks
10 demos and talks
10:30 – 11:20 Room change Citizen Identities and Neighborhood Literacies for Open Learning #1 Learning from Mozilla (MDN as OER) Hacking / work session Build, Make, Learn in the Hackbus and Hackerspace Playground Pathways to Open Content Building a School of Copyright and Creative Commons Test drive Open Video Wireframes Storming the Syllabus Wikipedia in Education 102 -- engaging universities in online creation Bank of Common Knowledge HowTo
11:20– 11:30 Coffee Break
11:30 – 12:20 Wikiotics language lesson assembly studio Part 2 Citizen Identities and Neighborhood Literacies for Open Learning #2 Remixing and Reusing WaSP Interact Hacking / work session Build, Make, Learn in the Hackbus and Hackerspace Playground Global Course Catalog Encourage Content Reuse: Educate your users! Open Video Hackathon 1 - How to start an open source project Storming the Grade Book Learning with Wikis
Pecha Kucha
: project showcase
Lunch Break

14:00 – 14:50 Mitchell Baker Chat: How does Mozilla work? Where do you tie in? PrintingLab (ongoing processes: "what's on the paper tray") (run in conjunction with the Peer Learning Lighthouse
Badges, learning and online identity: wireframes + prototypes How to Start A Hackerspace Textbook Sprint: Content Remixing Tool Create a P2PU Webcraft Course! (w/ SoW) Open Video Hackathon 2 Storming Publishing and Peer Review Wiki extensions - translation and multilingualism Scratch Animation Soup
11:20– 11:30 Coffee Break
15:00 – 15:50 Building Revolutionary Learning Enterprises: StartL Business Plan Pitches OpenRaval classroom (brainstorming & feedback for Nov 6th activities)
Representing badges as metadata: draft spec Hackerspaces meet Librarians Buidling an Open Textbook Build your own Personal Learning Environment Part II Open Video Hackathon 3 Storming Publishing and Peer Review MediaWiki hackathon III - hacks for learning and assessment YouPong
11:20– 11:30 Coffee Break
16:00 – 16:50 Arduino Pecha Kucha Make an open web learning widget #3 Workshop (JD / Ari on Processing JS?) Hacking / work session Experience-first Learning The Next Big Thing Peer Production & Commons Theory
Bringing it back home - Hackathon review Future Class Wiki publishing - Wikibooks and other options Move Commons
17:00 – 17:50 Room change Roadtrip Nation Workshop (Dave Crossland - Web Fonts) The way forward: Moz / DML badge collaboration Build, Make, Learn in the Hackbus and Hackerspace Playground Open Mic! RoadtripNation The road from here Calm After the Storm: Yoga for Hacktivists Participating in Wikis beyond editing: curation, campus ambassadors Laptop Orchestra
BEST of the FEST closing variety slam showcase starring YOU??
Plus cool surprises with Anya Kamenetz.

Saturday, November 6 (OpenRaval classroom, for local community)

Saturday program details

Time Location
Learning Corner #1
Learning Corner #2
Learning Corner #3
Learning Corner #4
10:00 – 12:00 Be a goodwill reporter CC Collages Animation soup City walkshop gymkhana #1
12:00 – 14:00 Commons time-travelers [Pending] S4A Digital Orchestra City walkshop gymkhana #2
14:00 – 14:30 Closing & snacks